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Kiyoshi:That's it! You're grounded! Nitsuke,no reading for you! Niika, no fighting for you! Lucan,no stealing for you! And Xaria...Oh my gosh,is there anything that you love?


Kiyoshi:No vengeance for you.

Xaria:I was gonna say "I'll get you for this," but I guess that's off the table.


Abbigail:*Running toward Pythus for a hug*.


Abbigail:Pythus! Why did you move?

Pythus:I thought you were going to attack me.

Abbigail:I was going to hug you!

Pythus:Why would you hug me?



Achillean:*Praying*I need someone to be my friend,someone who won't run away from me.

Achillean:Maybe send me an angel,the nicest angel you have~

Ingressus,emerging from the flames:*Maniacal laughter*.


Kiyoshi:May I get you anything to drink?

Xaria:The tears of our enemies wrenched from their bodies as their bodies are crushed.

Kiyoshi:I have Jasmine tea.

Xaria:Ooh Jasmine.


Pythus: If I see a bug, I simply leave the room elegantly and require someone else to do something about it.

Pythus: If no one fulfills my wish, I simply never go back there.


Kiyoshi: Unfortunately, due to several experiences in my youth, I cannot just 'walk up and join a circle of people talking', but it does sound lovely, thank you.


Kiyoshi: I got something I wanna show you.

Nitsuke: Okay.

Kiyoshi: This is Lucan, my child.

Nitsuke: Mhm.

Kiyoshi: This is my cheerful child, Alec.

Nitsuke: Okay...

Kiyoshi: And this is my dramatic child, Xaria.

Nitsuke: Kiyoshi...

Kiyoshi: What?

Nitsuke: You can't just go around adopting people when you're sad.

Xaria: Oh, so I'M where you draw the line?


Abbigail: Today I learned that pockets in dresses were phased out, so women could prove they were not witches, and carrying ill intentions and spells.

Abbigail: This is why women love dresses and skirts with pockets now.

Abbigail: We carry our spells and curses without purses and you won't see us coming.


Grek: *Is hugging Grim*

Onyx: Hey! It's my turn to hug Grim!

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