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Ingressus: They make me look totally stiff and humourless!
Achillean: Actually I think that actor's pretty spot on.

Ingressus: How could you say that?!
Actor for Tygren: Let's forget about the prime songs and go get massages!
Actor for Ingressus: How could you say that?!
Achillean: *Smirks.


Lucan: It was a rogue escape attempt, our escape committee didn't know.

Marcus: I'm not interested in your escape committee, Lucan.

Lucan: Well how do you know?You've never been to one of our meetings.


Ingressus: How could I even have stolen them!The prime songs are too far deep in the end realm for anyone to get them!

Aurelius: It is impossible, therefore I suspect you.


Lucan: *Making cake* Everyone loves cake!

Niika: *About their kid* I don't think he can eat solid foods yet...

Lucan: Well then put it in the blender.

Xaria: *Picks up the kid* Well if you say so.



Saxon:You have nothing to worry about!You're a talented guy!
Denny:Now is not the time to lie to me, Saxon.


Xaria:Do you have to hum?
Nitsuke:I always hum when I'm in a good mood.

Xaria:Do you have to be in a good mood?


Onyx:-Than you who spends her whole life quietly-

Masani: Shhh!
Onyx: *Quietly* A Voltaris?

Masani: Maybe...

Onyx: ...There's no Voltaris is there?You just said that so I'd stop talking.

Masani: Maybe.


Xaria: When people say I'm going to hell for being gay I feel offended, because their downplaying all the valid reasons I'm going to hell for.


*In some AU where he got the prime songs*

Ingressus: Am I late...?

Aegus: Stuffs porridge into his mouth No time to talk now remember it's your first day so listen to your teacher and no fighting, play nice with the other kids unless of course one of the other kids wants to fight then you have to kick the other kid's butt.

Ingressus: Tries to speak through mouthful of porridge But I don't want to kick the other kid's butt-

Aegus: Don't talk with your mouth full now let's see your war face!

Ingressus: Incredibly unscary face

Aegus: Oh I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover. Come on scare me! Ingressus: ARGGH!

Aegus: That's my tough looking warrior! That's what I'm talking about!Now get out there and make me proud!

Ardoni: Waves him outside

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