the funniest little kids (humanAU)

Start from the beginning

I went to the bathroom and knocked.

"William? Are you okay?", I asked.

He didn't answer. I tried to open the door.

"William, it's okay. Everything is just fine. Open the door. Please.", I said softly, but my voice was shaking.

I spoke to him calmly and soft, until the door opened.

"I need my pills.", he said. I nodded.

Then I called Chill to bring the backpack to us.

After he took his pills, I took him downstairs. I told my aunt that Will and I were heading home. Will collected his things and uncle Fred drove us home, while the others stayed behind.

At home I made hot chocolate and turned a Disney movie on, that we watched together.

~2 weeks later~

PoV Will
Uncle Fred had talked to me about moving in with them and now I felt so guilty.

Tilll couldn't live his life, because of us. He did so much.

But Matt, Brad and Betty hated me. I was always in everyone's way.

Everyone would be better off without me. They'd be so much happier.

I always ruin things.

I took a scarf and glanced at the wooden beams on my ceiling.

Then I wrote a letter.

"Dear family, I'm really sorry for what I am about to do, however, I'm convinced you will be much happier without me as a burden. I won't be in your way anymore. Then Bill can move in with Magan and Fred. You will finally be able to have your own lives! Just now that, as I take my last breath, I'll think of you and the happy days. Oh, they're so dear to me.
So, this farewell.
This is it.
In love, William. "

I pinned the letter to the inside of my door, tied the long scarf and climbed on a chair.

Once I was done tying, I closed my eyes and kicked the chair away.

PoV Till
I was in my workspace, trying to get some things done, when I heard a loud noise from Wills room. It alarmed me immediately, but I finished my task first, before going upstairs.

He didn't answer to my knocking, so I opened the door.

I froze. I needed a few seconds to process the picture I was looking at.

William was just hanging there. A strangled scream escaped my lips, then I sped forward.

"Is something wrong?", Bill asked, coming to the room. I was trying desperately to get Will down.

"CALL AN AMBULANCE!", I screamed. He did that. Once I had my brother laying on the floor, I performed the necessary cpr.

I drove with him in the ambulance, holding his hand.

My baby. I still remember the first time I held him in my arms. And now? Was he dying?

Was my little angel actually dying?

I was crying.


When Will woke up, I cried even more.

He looked away.

"Never do that again! I read your letter, that was all very stupid to think. You're not in anybodys way.", I cried out, sobbing hard.

"But...don't you want your own life?", he asked.

"I wouldn't want a life without you in it.", I answered truthfully.

Will smiled softly.

"And I mean that. How could you think we'd ever be happy without you?", I sniffed.

"I love you. I'm sorry.", he replied.

Then the door burst open and Bill came sliding into the room.

"Stupid ass bitch!", he greeted his twin.

"Hey Billi.", the other said.

"I'm so mad at you for trying to take my favorite person ever away from me, but I'm also very glad you're alive.", Bill brabbled.

Will smiled a little.

"Can you...try not to do that again? Take my twin away. I need him, you know?.", Bill than sighed.

"I promise.", Will sniffed. We had to leave soon, but I was so relieved.

I went to church that sunday. I hadn't went there in years, but it felt right.

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