Twenty one

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Annie's words hit me like a bolt from the blue. Her sudden outburst took me by surprise, leaving me speechless for a moment. "Wait, what?" I stammered, trying to process her unexpected confession. The revelation that my sister had feelings for Neith added a new layer of complexity to the situation, leaving me unsure of how to respond.

'I think I'm the unluckiest person in the world!!!'

"Actually, I did go there," I said with a sigh.

"And I saw that." Annie looked away, snorting. "He's mine. You have Dex already. Don't snatch my Neith too."

Her clenched hands made me even more confused. Why did she sound so hateful? What did I do wrong to her?

Annie's hostility towards me and her possessive tone left me feeling bewildered and hurt. "I'm sorry, Annie. I had no idea you felt this way," I said softly, trying to diffuse the tension. "I value our relationship, and I would never want to hurt you. But I need to understand why you're reacting like this." I reached out to her, hoping to have an honest conversation and clear the air between us.

To my disappointment, she turned around and left, stomping her feet loudly on the wooden floor.

In that moment, she didn't look like my innocent, young sister anymore.

It made me want to go back to college soon, but not being able to see Neith again made me feel a little hesitant.

But who was he to me? Why didn't I want to let go of Neith?

'This is bad!' I slapped my cheeks and went to my bedroom.

'I'm leaving first thing in the morning,' I decided in my mind.

The tap on my window in the middle of the night jolted me awake, my heart racing with a mix of fear and curiosity. I hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to approach the window and peek outside, wondering who could be visiting at such an unusual hour.

"Neith!" I puffed my cheeks in fury. "What the hell are you doing? I was sleeping, you know."

I opened the window and gestured for Neith to come inside. His eyes held a mixture of concern and urgency as he stepped into my room, the cool night air trailing behind him. "I'm sorry for waking you," he began, "but there's something important I need to tell you."

When I witnessed how deep his blue eyes looked, I felt like I was drowning in them. Eventually, I realized that... I was captivated by his charms!

"What is it?" I crossed my arms, appearing indifferent.

He took out two DVDs. "I have to choose one. I got a job from a luxurious restaurant as their pianist. Since tomorrow will be my first day, I want it to be the best. To be honest, I'm kind of an introvert, so... I have no one to ask rather than you. I'm living alone too..." He looked at me with pleading eyes.

Right. I almost forgot that he was an orphan.

"You don't have friends?"

I still had doubts.

"Most of them are online friends. Gamers, to be precise," he said sincerely. "You are my first outside friend because I'm not very sociable."

"Then I'll help you." I eagerly got my earphones and helped him with the task.

When I gradually chose one, he became delighted. "You sure have a good taste in music," he praised me with a smile.

It was the first time he smiled at me so warmly!

I felt a sense of accomplishment and warmth at Neith's praise. His smile, genuine and bright, was a sight to behold, making me realize how much I valued these moments with him. As we shared a smile, I couldn't help but feel a connection growing between us, one that went beyond just helping with his music selection.

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