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As Rahul's hands roamed over her body, Hasini felt a surge of desire coursing through her veins, mingling with the overwhelming love she felt for him. With each tender touch and whispered declaration of love, she knew that their bond was stronger than ever before, built on a foundation of trust, understanding, and unwavering devotion.

With tears of joy in her eyes, Hasini whispered back those three simple words that held so much meaning: "I love you, Rahul." And as they surrendered themselves to the passion and love that bound them together, they knew that their journey was far from over—a journey filled with love, laughter, and endless moments of shared joy.

When Hasini became pregnant again, she was somehow angry at Rahul.

As Hasini's anger simmered within her, she struggled to reconcile her conflicting emotions. On one hand, she cherished the love and intimacy she shared with Rahul, but on the other hand, she couldn't shake the feeling of frustration and resentment at the thought of another pregnancy.

Feeling overwhelmed by her emotions, Hasini knew that she needed to confront Rahul and express her feelings honestly and openly. She knew that their love was strong enough to withstand any challenge, but she also knew that communication and understanding were essential to navigating the complexities of their relationship.

Rahul promised her that he would take safety precautions to avoid pregnancy next time. But he refused not to sleep with her. He explained her that he wanted to make love to her since it was the best way to show how much he loved her.

Despite Rahul's heartfelt explanation, Hasini couldn't shake the fear and anxiety that had taken hold of her. She knew that she wanted to feel close to Rahul and to share their love physically, but the thought of another pregnancy filled her with dread.

With a heavy heart, she shared her fears with Rahul, pleading with him to understand her perspective and to respect her wishes. She knew that their love was strong enough to withstand any challenge, but she also knew that they needed to find a compromise that honored both of their needs and desires.

Finally Rahul promised not to be intimacy with her.

As Rahul made his promise to Hasini, she felt a wave of relief wash over her. She knew that their relationship was built on trust and understanding, and she was grateful that Rahul had listened to her concerns and respected her wishes.

With a renewed sense of hope for the future, Hasini and Rahul embraced each other, knowing that their love would only grow stronger as they faced life's challenges together. And as they looked ahead to the journey that lay before them, they knew that their bond was unbreakable, anchored by the deep love and mutual respect that they shared.

However, the day their baby daughter was born, Hasini had to die in the delivery room.

No matter how hard Rahul cried, he couldn't save her.

The saddest part was, his newborn baby daughter also died in the progress since doctors neglected her as they fully concentrated on the mother.

As Hasini took her last breath, Rahul's world shattered into a million pieces. Overwhelmed by grief and despair, he clung to her lifeless body, unable to comprehend the magnitude of the loss he had endured.

With tears streaming down his face, Rahul's heart broke all over again as he realized that not only had he lost his beloved wife, but also their precious daughter, their hopes and dreams for the future shattered in an instant.

Alone in his grief, Rahul struggled to find meaning in the face of such profound loss. But even as he grappled with the pain of his newfound reality, he vowed to honor Hasini's memory and the love they had shared by cherishing the time they had together and carrying her legacy in his heart forever.

Once a month, he visited his wife's graveyard along with his twins and Meera.

He didn't forget about his uncle too.

"You took her away from me. Once again," He whispered with a bitter smile on his face.

As Rahul stood before the graves of his loved ones, his heart heavy with sorrow, he couldn't help but feel the weight of their absence pressing down on him.

With each visit, he found himself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions—grief, anger, regret, and longing—all intertwined in a tangled web of memories and what-ifs.

But amid the pain and sorrow, Rahul found solace in the love and support of his children, who stood by his side as they paid tribute to their lost loved ones. Together, they found strength in each other's presence, knowing that they were not alone in their grief.

And as Rahul whispered his silent prayers to the heavens above, he found a glimmer of hope shining through the darkness—a reminder that even in the face of loss and tragedy, love endures, lighting the way through even the darkest of nights.

When Meera became an adult, she cursed her mother for ruining her father's and Rahul's relationship. She felt horrible when she realized she called her cousin brother her father for many years. She felt terrible.

As Meera grappled with the complexities of her emotions, she couldn't shake the sense of guilt and regret that weighed heavily on her heart. The realization of the impact her mother's actions had on her father and Rahul's relationship filled her with a profound sense of sorrow and remorse.

Haunted by the knowledge that she had unknowingly contributed to the rift between her father and Rahul, Meera struggled to come to terms with the truth of her past. She felt a deep sense of shame for the role she had played in perpetuating the misunderstanding and confusion surrounding her family dynamics.

With tears in her eyes, Meera vowed to make amends for her mistakes and to honor the memory of her mother by seeking forgiveness and reconciliation with her father and Rahul. She knew that healing would take time, but she was determined to do whatever it took to mend the broken bonds of their family and find peace in the midst of their shared grief.

"You must marry someone else," Meera told Rahul with determination flashing through her eyes. "I'm telling you this as a sister. Not as a daughter."

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