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"I was sad when you dumped me," he began, but I cut him off angrily. "That's why you followed such a cheap plan? I can't believe Greevi betrayed me too! You all are..."

"Just listen!" he sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

"Okay, go ahead," I said, crossing my arms defensively, still feeling a mixture of anger and hurt at the deception.

"What hurt me the most was the reason behind our separation. You dumped me for money, and I hated you for that. But my hatred towards you gave me enough strength to be the person I am today," he spoke honestly.

I listened quietly, the weight of his words sinking in. "I didn't realize how much I hurt you," I admitted softly, feeling a pang of guilt. "I thought I was doing what was best for me, but I never stopped to consider how it would affect you."

"Yeah. It's fine," he flashed a sad smile. "I thought I could move on from you. But as time passed, my hatred towards you began to fade away and my heart started begging to have you in my arms again. I just couldn't let you go. My heart couldn't let you go. I never started another relationship because in my eyes, I only had you."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to Tim's heartfelt confession, realizing the depth of his feelings for me. "I'm so sorry, Tim," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. "I didn't realize how much I meant to you until now. Can you forgive me?"

"Listen," he didn't give me a clear answer, much to my dismay.

"That's when I met your best friend, Greevi. She was the one who planned this whole thing, and I cooperated."

I nodded, feeling a mix of shock and gratitude towards Greevi for her role in bringing us back together. "I had no idea," I admitted, feeling a sense of awe at the lengths she had gone to reunite us. "I owe her a big thank you."

"Yeah. You owe me too," he gave me a stern look.

I nodded, feeling a pang of guilt for my past actions. "You're right, I owe you both more than I can ever repay," I said earnestly, determined to make amends and prove my sincerity.

"You know why you are different from other girls?" he asked after a small amount of silence.

"Why?" I asked, curious about his perspective.

"You didn't go after rich men although you dumped me. I expected you to start another relationship, but you never did. That's why I suggested that engagement thingy. I wouldn't even meet you today if you slept with that playboy that night. I was waiting for you to betray me and break my trust so that I could move on from you. But you never did! Because of that, I started falling for you... Again."

I listened in astonishment as Tim revealed his thoughts and feelings, realizing the depth of his perception of me. "I never stopped loving you, Tim," I confessed softly, feeling a sense of relief at finally being able to express the truth. "I made a mistake, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right."

"You love me because I'm rich now or the rich people you found are jerks?" he asked with a scoff.

"It's not about the money, Tim," I replied earnestly, shaking my head. "I love you because of who you are, not what you have. And yes, the rich people I met were jerks, but it only made me realize how much I truly value you and our connection."

"Really? You won't dump me again? You must know how much painful it was for me. I never affected your freedom. I just stood by your side and gave you space whenever you needed it. I didn't try to control you. I respected your decision when you chose to leave me although it killed me from inside. I loved you that much. And I still love you. So I'm afraid. I can't go through that pain ever again."

"I understand, Tim," I said softly, reaching out to gently take his hand in mine. "I can't promise that we won't face challenges in the future, but I can promise you that I will never intentionally hurt you again. I love you, and I'm willing to work through anything together."

"So can you give me a second chance? A final chance?" I looked into his amber eyes earnestly as I asked.

"Of course, Amy," Tim replied, his eyes reflecting hope and gratitude. "I'll cherish this second chance with all my heart."

"Thank you, Tim." I smiled at him. "The truth is... I didn't stop thinking about you too. During our two years of separation, there wasn't a day I didn't think of you. It's just... I was so stupid! I thought money was everything. I'm glad you chose to forgive me. It means a lot to me. Thank you!" I hugged him and hid my face in his chest as tears gathered in my eyes.

Tim wrapped his arms around me, holding me close as tears of relief and joy filled my eyes. "I forgive you, Amy," he whispered, his voice filled with love and understanding. "Let's leave the past behind us and focus on building a future together." And in that moment, surrounded by his warmth and love, I knew that everything was going to be alright.

I love him. Not his money.

If he ever becomes poor again, I won't leave his side. I'll try my best to support him to rise up again. Because true love isn't about wealth or status—it's about being there for each other through thick and thin, for better or for worse. And I'm willing to stand by Tim's side no matter what challenges life throws our way.

-The end

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