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"Deena, I think I like you. What about spending a hot night with me tonight?" Ryan winked at me.

"It's Amy. Not Deena." I rolled my eyes.

Ryan's smirk faltered for a moment as he realized his mistake, but he quickly recovered with a charming smile. "My apologies, Amy. So, what do you say? Will you spend the night with me?" he asked, his eyes filled with anticipation.

"I guess." I knew it wasn't a big deal. Tim was sleeping with that Freya every night. Then why shouldn't I find a man to warm my bed too?

Despite my attempt to convince myself that it wasn't a big deal, a pang of sadness tugged at my heart as I agreed to Ryan's proposal. Deep down, I knew that seeking solace in the arms of another man wouldn't fill the void left by Tim's absence. But in that moment, it was easier to bury my pain in the distractions of the night.

"Okay." He threw a card at me. "I'll wait for you tomorrow."

"Not tonight?" I asked, confused.

"Sorry. I have to satisfy my Deena tonight. Because of your beauty, I almost forgot it."

I forced a smile, masking the hurt that his words caused. "No problem," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

With that, I turned and walked away, determined not to let Ryan see how deeply his words affected me.

'Damn! How could you, doggy man?' I threw the card into a trash bin before heading to my house, riding my car. I was a little drunk. But I thought it would be fine.

As I drove home, the events of the night swirled in my mind, accompanied by a sense of emptiness and regret. Despite my attempts to numb my feelings with alcohol and the attention of other men, I couldn't escape the truth: I was still in love with Tim, and no amount of distractions could change that.

'It's not just money.' My mind tried to convince me but I didn't listen.

Deep down, I knew my mind was right. Money couldn't fill the void in my heart or erase the mistakes I had made. But in that moment, it was easier to cling to the illusion of wealth and status than to confront the painful truth. As I pulled into my driveway and stumbled out of the car, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever find the courage to face my demons and pursue true happiness.

A few days later, I met another guy in a bar. I knew they were worst places to find a genuine gentleman. But I had no choice.

As I entered the bar, the dim lights and pulsing music enveloped me, drowning out the noise of my thoughts. I scanned the room, my eyes searching for someone who could distract me from the pain of my past mistakes. But deep down, I knew that true happiness couldn't be found in the bottom of a glass or in the arms of a stranger. Yet, for now, I allowed myself to succumb to the allure of temporary pleasure, hoping to find solace in the chaos of the night.

"Wow, you are so beautiful!" Jake complimented me, looking at my breasts as his eyes showed hunger.

I felt a mixture of discomfort and annoyance at Jake's forwardness, but I forced a polite smile, accustomed to dealing with men like him in places like this. "Thank you," I replied curtly, shifting slightly to create some distance between us.

"No, literally. Why don't you spend the night with me?" He smirked at me. "I'll let you scream under me the whole night. You won't have a blink of sleep."

I felt disgusted. "Lust isn't everything!" I yelled at him as other people began to glance at our direction.

My voice rose with frustration and anger, fueled by Jake's crude and disrespectful words. "Lust isn't everything!" I repeated louder, not caring who heard me. I turned on my heel and stormed out of the bar, leaving Jake and his lewd advances behind me.

"Aah, I had had enough with these men." I sighed loudly as I fell on the chair next to Greevi in a restaurant.

Greevi looked up from her menu, concern etched on her face as she saw my distressed expression. "What happened?" she asked, reaching out to place a comforting hand on my arm.

"Nothing. I don't want to talk about it." I sighed before starting to speak again. This time, I vent all my frustration before her. "I now know, money isn't everything. I met many men who are filthy rich. But their minds are extremely poor."

Greevi listened attentively as I poured out my frustrations, nodding sympathetically as I spoke. "It's true," she agreed, her voice soft with understanding. "Sometimes, the richest people are the ones who have the least to offer in terms of character and integrity."

"I know." I continued to sigh.

At that time, someone's voice interrupted our conversation. "I'm glad you learned your lesson."

It was Timothy! My Tim!

I couldn't help smiling at his presence although I hated it. Wouldn't I look like a lovesick puppy?

I felt a rush of conflicting emotions as I saw Tim standing before me, his presence stirring up memories and feelings I had tried to bury. Despite my attempts to appear composed, I couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in my chest at the sight of him. But I quickly schooled my expression into one of indifference, refusing to let him see how much his unexpected appearance affected me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked curtly. "Are you a stalker or something?" He really looked suspicious. How come he always appears in the restaurants or coffee shops I choose to hang out with Greevi? Wasn't it weird?

"There's something we need to tell you," Greevi spoke in his place. "It's all our plan all alone. There's no one named Freya in Tim's life. It's my cousin sister who helped him to take those couple photos."

I blinked in confusion, trying to process Greevi's words. "Wait, what do you mean?" I asked, feeling a mix of disbelief and relief wash over me. "Are you saying... Tim never moved on? It was all a setup?"

"Greevi, you can leave. I'll explain everything to her," said Tim.

As Greevi nodded and left us alone, I turned to Tim, my mind still reeling from the revelation. "Tim, what's going on? Why would you do something like that?" I asked, my voice a mixture of confusion and frustration.

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