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"Actually..." The doctor scratched his neck. "She's alive. I was joking."

Relief flooded over Randiv as the doctor's words sank in, his heart pounding with a mixture of disbelief and gratitude. With a shaky laugh, he rose to his feet, his eyes wide with shock.

"You had me worried there," he admitted, his voice trembling with relief.

In that moment, the weight of his grief lifted, replaced by an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude. With renewed determination, he turned back to the hospital room where Sandini lay, ready to embrace the precious gift of her continued presence in his life.

"I'll take care of you later."

He pushed the doctor away and rushed towards the ward when Sanding was taken to. With a heart full of hope and determination, Randiv dashed towards the ward where Sandini lay, his steps quickening with each passing moment.

As he entered the room, his eyes fell upon her still form, her chest rising and falling with each breath. Relief flooded over him at the sight of her, his hands trembling as he reached out to gently brush her cheek. "I'm here, Sandini," he whispered softly, his voice filled with love and longing.

In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of their shared love, Randiv vowed to never let her go again, cherishing every precious moment they had together.

After her recovery, Sandini requested Randiv to build a grave for her father despite everything.

Randiv's heart swelled with admiration for Sandini's compassion and forgiveness, despite the pain her father had caused her. With a solemn nod, he vowed to honor her wishes, knowing that it was a gesture of closure and healing for her. Together, they visited the site where Sandini's father lay at rest, and Randiv oversaw the construction of a dignified grave, a symbol of closure and forgiveness in the face of adversity.

In that moment, amidst the quiet serenity of the cemetery, Randiv and Sandini found solace in the power of love and forgiveness to heal even the deepest wounds of the past.

"I don't want to visit him." Janith refused as he hugged Randiv's father. "I only have one grandpa."

Randiv's heart swelled with pride and love for his son's unwavering loyalty and affection. With a tender smile, he wrapped his arms around Janith, holding him close as tears of gratitude welled in his eyes. "You're absolutely right," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "You only have one grandpa, and he loves you more than anything in this world."

In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of their shared bond, Randiv knew that their family was stronger than ever, united by love, forgiveness, and the promise of a brighter future ahead.

Sandini felt sad to hear such a thing from her own child. Because she still held a special place for her father in her heart although he tried to kill her.

Sandini's heart ached with a mixture of sadness and understanding as she watched Janith express his feelings. Though her father's actions had caused her immeasurable pain, she couldn't deny the complexity of their relationship and the lingering love she still held for him in her heart.

With a heavy sigh, she embraced Janith, her arms enfolding him in a gentle embrace. "It's okay to feel conflicted, sweetheart," she murmured softly. "But know that no matter what, I'll always be here for you, just like your grandpa."

In that moment of shared understanding, mother and son found solace in the strength of their love and the bond that united them as a family.

The next month, Randiv and Sandini got married. This time, it was a simple wedding with close friends and family members only.

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