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(This is another story)

"I know this isn't a good idea," Sandini mumbled to herself as she entered the CEO's office room to steal the files her father asked her to do.

As Sandini crept into the CEO's office, her heart pounded with nervous anticipation. She glanced around, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of movement.

When she realized that she was alone there and nothing suspicious happened so far, she unlocked the locker using a hair pin skillfully.

With practiced precision, Sandini deftly manipulated the hairpin, feeling a surge of adrenaline as the lock clicked open. She carefully opened the locker, her hands trembling slightly with excitement and apprehension. Then as she got what she wanted, she turned around, hoping to leave only to bump into the person she didn't want to see at the moment the most, her boss. The CEO of Cherriflower software industry.

Sandini's heart sank as she locked eyes with her boss, the CEO of Cherriflower Software Industry. Caught red-handed, she struggled to find an excuse, her mind racing with panicked thoughts.

However, to her suprise, instead of scolding her, the man pulled her towards him and hugged her tightly. When she could smell his scent, she realized that he was drunk.

Caught off guard by the unexpected hug, Sandini could feel the warmth of her boss's embrace, mixed with the scent of alcohol. Confusion and concern swirled within her as she gently pushed away, searching his eyes for clarity amidst the haze of intoxication.

Not stopping there, he pulled her into his arms again and started stroking her body.

Sandini's heart raced with unease as her boss's actions escalated, his drunken advances leaving her feeling vulnerable and trapped. She struggled to push him away, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

That night, she had to sacrifice her virginity to him. As the night wore on, Sandini found herself in a situation she never imagined, her innocence stolen by the very person she had once respected and admired. With a heavy heart and a sense of betrayal weighing on her, she knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

However, she knew she was also at fault because she took the files without his consent.

Despite the guilt gnawing at her conscience, Sandini couldn't shake the feeling of violation that lingered after that fateful night. While she acknowledged her own wrongdoing in taking the files without permission, she struggled to reconcile the price she had paid for her mistake.

Early sun rays dropped on her naked body, she managed to find her clothes. Wearing them, she left the company without looking back. With a heavy heart and a sense of disillusionment weighing on her, Sandini hastily dressed and slipped out of the company, the early morning sun casting long shadows across the deserted streets.

Determined to leave the painful memories behind, she walked away, her steps faltering with the weight of her newfound burden.

Three years passed. She was now with her baby boy, living alone as a single mother. In the quiet solitude of her new life as a single mother, Sandini found solace in the love and innocence of her baby boy.

Despite the challenges she faced, she poured her heart and soul into providing for him, finding strength in the bond they shared and the promise of a brighter future ahead.

As it turned out, her father was the real traitor. He said that he was the truthful owner of those files she stole three years ago only to deceive her.

Shocked and betrayed by her father's revelation, Sandini's world crumbled around her once again. The realization that her own flesh and blood had deceived her for his own gain cut deep, leaving her grappling with a newfound sense of distrust and heartache. Yet, amidst the pain, she found a fierce determination to reclaim her life and protect her son from further harm.

She knew she had two enemies. One her own father. The other one was the Cherriflower CEO, Mr. Randiv. With her father's betrayal fresh in her mind, Sandini couldn't shake the memory of the CEO's drunken advances and the violation she had endured. Determined to seek justice and reclaim her dignity, she vowed to confront both her enemies head-on, drawing strength from the love she held for her son and the fire that burned within her heart.

She managed to escape from them for three years. But as time passed, her fear faded away and she knew she had to handed over the files to Randiv, the truthful owner of the documents.

Guess what, she could steal the files from her father too when she got to learn his true colours.

As Sandini prepared to confront her enemies once and for all, a steely resolve settled within her. With a calculated plan in mind, she skillfully retrieved the files from her father's grasp, knowing that they held the key to exposing the truth and reclaiming her innocence. With determination burning in her veins, she set out to face her adversaries, ready to fight for justice and redemption.

When she arrived at the company, she asks the receptionist to meet the boss. With a determined expression, Sandini approached the receptionist and requested to meet with Mr. Randiv, the CEO of Cherriflower Software Industry.

Though her heart pounded with nervous anticipation, she stood tall, ready to confront the man who had once betrayed her trust. She trusted him because she thought he was a gentleman. But the incident that happened on a fateful night three years ago, broke the trust she once had for him as a gentleman. Maybe it wasn't just respect. Maybe, unknowingly, she had a liking to him.

As Sandini waited to meet with Mr. Randiv, she couldn't help but reflect on the complex mix of emotions that had clouded her judgment three years ago. Despite her initial admiration for him as a gentleman and a respected CEO, the events of that fateful night had shattered the trust she had once placed in him. Now, as she stood on the precipice of confrontation, she couldn't deny the lingering ache of betrayal mingled with a newfound understanding of her own feelings.

Perhaps, buried beneath the layers of hurt and disappointment, there had indeed been a flicker of affection for the man who had ultimately let her down.

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