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With Julie by his side as his unwavering support, Alex embraced his new role as CEO with determination and integrity. His vision and leadership transformed his father's company into a thriving enterprise, earning him admiration and respect from employees and industry peers alike.

Julie, with her keen insight and unwavering loyalty, became Alex's trusted confidante and advisor, their partnership a testament to the strength of their love and shared values.

As they navigated the challenges and triumphs of their new life together, Alex and Julie remained grounded in their commitment to each other, finding joy and fulfillment in the simple moments they shared. With their love as their foundation, they embarked on a journey of growth and success, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. And as they looked towards the future, hand in hand, they knew that together, there was nothing they couldn't achieve.

"You are such a talented person. How come you became a delivery girl?" One day Alex asked, truly surprised.

Julie smiled, a hint of nostalgia in her eyes as she recalled her journey. "Well, Alex, life has a funny way of leading us down unexpected paths," she began, her voice tinged with warmth. "I started as a delivery girl because I needed a job, but along the way, I discovered the joy of connecting with people and making a difference in their lives, even in small ways."

She paused, her gaze meeting Alex's with a sense of gratitude. "Every experience, every challenge, has shaped me into the person I am today. And I wouldn't change a thing, because it led me to you." With a tender smile, she reached out to squeeze his hand, the depth of her affection shining in her eyes.

"But... Above all, I have a dark secret." She admitted. "I stole college exam papers and they kicked me out."

Alex's expression softened as Julie shared her secret, his eyes reflecting understanding and empathy. He reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from her face, his touch filled with reassurance. "Julie, we all have our past, our mistakes," he said softly. "What matters is who you are now, the person you've become. And from where I stand, you're an incredible woman, full of strength and resilience."

He squeezed her hand gently, his love and acceptance unwavering. "Together, we'll face whatever challenges come our way," he promised, his voice filled with conviction. "You're not alone, Julie. I'm here for you, always."

"No, Alex. It's just..."

As Julie hesitated, the weight of her confession heavy on her shoulders, Alex's gaze remained steady, his patience a comforting presence. He reached out, his hand seeking hers in a gesture of solidarity, his touch gentle and reassuring. "Julie," he said softly, his voice a soothing balm. "You can trust me. Take your time."

Julie drew in a deep breath, her eyes flickering with uncertainty before finally meeting Alex's with a mix of vulnerability and resolve. "It's just... there's something I need to tell you," she began slowly, her words measured as she carefully chose each one. "It's about my past, a part of me that I've kept hidden for so long."

Alex nodded understandingly, his expression encouraging as he waited for her to continue. "You see," Julie continued, her voice trembling slightly with emotion, "there was a time when I made some choices that I'm not proud of. Choices that led me down a path I never imagined for myself."

She paused, her gaze dropping momentarily before finding the courage to meet Alex's once again. "I... I stole college exam papers," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I needed the money desperately, for my mother. She was sick, and I couldn't bear to see her suffer."

Alex's heart went out to Julie as he listened to her words, his empathy for her growing with each passing moment. He reached out, his hand finding hers once more, a silent gesture of support and understanding. "Julie," he said softly, his voice filled with compassion, "you don't have to carry this burden alone. Whatever you've done in the past, it doesn't define who you are today."

He drew her into his arms, holding her close as he offered her solace and comfort. "We'll face whatever challenges come our way together," he promised, his words a vow of unwavering love and devotion. "You're not alone anymore."

And in that moment, surrounded by the warmth of Alex's embrace, Julie felt a glimmer of hope flicker within her, a newfound sense of strength born from the love they shared.

One day, when Julie went shopping, she bumped into Sarah.

As Julie navigated the bustling aisles of the store, her mind consumed with thoughts of the upcoming dinner she was planning for Alex, she was startled by a familiar voice calling her name.

Turning around, she found herself face to face with Sarah, her heart skipping a beat at the unexpected encounter.

"Julie?" Sarah's voice held a hint of surprise as she approached, her expression guarded yet curious. "What are you doing here?"

Julie hesitated for a moment, her mind racing as she searched for the right words to say. Despite the tension between them, she couldn't ignore the pang of empathy she felt for Sarah, knowing that they were both connected by their past with Alex. "I'm just... running errands," she replied carefully, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "How about you?"

"Bitch!" Sarah sneered barked. "You think Alex loves you? He wanted to become the CEO desperately. He tried to use me. But I escaped from him with the help of his brother Jacob but you... You ruined everything."

Julie felt a surge of anger and hurt at Sarah's harsh words, but she remained composed, refusing to let her emotions get the best of her. "Sarah, I understand that you're upset," she said calmly, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. "But Alex and I have something real, something that goes beyond titles and ambitions. And nothing you say can change that."

Sarah's eyes flashed with fury as she stepped closer, her voice dripping with venom. "You're just a pawn in his game," she spat. "He'll discard you as soon as he gets what he wants."

Julie's jaw clenched, her resolve hardening as she met Sarah's gaze with unwavering determination. "I trust Alex," she said firmly, her voice ringing with conviction. "And I won't let anyone come between us."

With that, she turned on her heel and walked away, leaving Sarah's words echoing in the empty space behind her.

But when she arrived at his company, she couldn't help feeling restless.

'What if Sarah is correct? What if he really put on an act that day to secure his position? Aaah, frustrating!' She messed her hair.

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