Chapter Sixteen

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That same late afternoon at HOME ISLAND OF MOUNT ORASANI . . .

The sky has turned red. After Marcalos, in his demonic horned-winged Devil form, has taken Christy, who he holds with his pointed tail.

 After Marcalos, in his demonic horned-winged Devil form, has taken Christy, who he holds with his pointed tail

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"Let go of me?!" Christy exclaimed.

"No, you're coming back with me to my Underworld Palace." Marcalos told her in his demonic deep voice. "If your Epic Love Soulmate, Klaus, wants you back, he will take my deal."

"Klaus will never take your deal." Christy told Marcalos.

"We'll see about that." Marcalos told her with a malicious chuckle.

And Marcalos continues flapping his wings away, flying away.



Ames, Cyrus and Klaus follows Marcalos and Christy and stopped running.

"We can't follow them any further like this on the ground." Cyrus said.

"What the hell are we gonna do?" Klaus asked. "Marcalos is getting farther away with my wife and he's gonna escape with her through a portal to his Underworld?"

"We're not gonna let that happen, I assure you, Klaus." Ames said.

General Markos rides up to Ames, Cyrus and Klaus on his horse. "Milord Ames and Cyrus? Sir Klaus? I have sent the Gryphons to stop Marcalos."

"Good." Ames said to General Markos. "Cyrus, Klaus and I will meet you at the beachside."

"Yes, Milord Ames." General Markos said and rides away on his horse.


Up in the air in the red sky, Marcalos, in his demonic horned-winged Devil form, continues to fly away with Christy wrapped up in his pointed tail.

Marcalos opens a portal to his Underworld Palace.

But five Gryphons blocks his path and screeches at him. Their screeches causes a banshee sound, causing Marcalos to grimace and drops Christy.

And a Gryphon flies down, trying to catch her before she falls in the sea.

The portal closes. Marcalos scowls and vanishes into a flame.

Ames, Cyrus and Klaus scurries onto the beachside shore just as Gryphon flies down to catch Christy in his claw as they both fall in the sea.

"Christy?!" Klaus exclaimed, worriedly, trying to walk in the sea, but both Ames and Cyrus gently holds him back.

The four Gryphons gently lands on the beachside shore.

"Christy's alive, I know it." Klaus said. "For that moment, I held her in my arms. She wanted to tell me something, but I cut her off before she could."

"Christian's alive. I can sense it." Ames said.

"And she will tell you when the two of you reunite." Cyrus said.

Klaus looks at Christy's silver fleurs de-lis necklace in his hand.

And the sky returns back to normal.



Minutes later, Klaus sits on the steps of a balcony. He gently fiddles with Christy's silver fleurs de-lis necklace in his fingers.

 He gently fiddles with Christy's silver fleurs de-lis necklace in his fingers

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{Christy's Outfit}

Suddenly, Christy's silver fleurs de-lis necklace magically disappears, causing Klaus to become a bit confused.

He then, hears a footstep behind him. He turns his head and looks up at Christy.

Christy gently fiddles with her silver fleurs de-lis necklace that's around her neck.

Klaus looks at Christy, relieved to see her again and she small smiles at him.

Klaus gets up and walks up and they embrace in a hug. They gently pulls away from the hug and he gently rolls up her right cardigan sleeve, revealing her right inner forearm. The "M" Mark of Marcalos is gone.

"I'm okay, Klaus." Christy reassured her husband with her small smile. "It's really me."

Klaus and Christy exchange small smiles at each other and they share a kiss.

"What did you wanted to tell me before Marcalos took you?" Klaus asked.

"I wanted to tell you that I love you." Christy told him.

Klaus and Christy exchange small smiles at each other and embrace in a hug again.

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