part 6- new kid 📝

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finney pov:


as you guessed it, i smack my alarm and roll out of bed. it's monday, so that means it's 1, the brightest day of
the week, and 2, no tutoring robin. i don't know why,but
i'm looking forward to tutoring robin. guess we are just
good friends!

"GWEN LETS GO" i scream. "OKAY JESUS ONE SECOND" she screams back, running out of her room. i get the both of us to school and say bye to gwenny, hoping she has a good day.

i walk in from the back of the school, staying out of any trouble, when i see griffin sitting at the table in the corner with a sketchbook and headphones on. jackpot!! "BOO" i scream, pushing his back. he shoots up and turns around "god finney i almost just died! also, if you screamed you embarrassed yourself, i had headphones on." he rolls his eyes. i forgot about that part..

i sat down with griffin, looking down at his filled sketchbook. "woah griffin these are amazing!" i chuckle. griffin, now pink, brushes it off and says thank you. "what are you drawing now?" i ask him leaning over.

"have you seen a kid whipping around in the morning on a bike? you know like with his dog and a shit tin of newspapers?" he asks, me nodding no. "well his name is billy and he looks cool, so i just drew him i guess, i draw people i wanna be friends with, that's why you're in here!" he smiles

"i am? where! show me!" my eyes widening. i grab his sketchbook and flip through it, trying to find the page with me on it. "it's one of the first ones i think" griffin says. "wow griffin! this is amazing! it looks just like me. you have a big talent." i say, handing back the book.

"thank you finney" "well, see you in english, since we don't have art together.. kind of ironic" he says rolling his eyes. "bye griffin!" "bye finney" we say, both exchanging smiles.


i walk into art class, not knowing anybody, with my schedule paper in hand. this is my first art class since i missed it last time, talking to griffin and finding my schedule.

"oh hello there, you must be finney! i heard you missed last class because you got lost, it's okay, we all have." she says. "yeah i'm finney and thanks" i say, feeling 30 pairs of eyes on me. "well finney, you can sit right here beside bruce. bruce can you raise your hand?" she says.

bruce raises his hand, and i sit beside him. "hey cutie, you that new kid right? i hope ur good at art, im only taking this class because i have to.." bruce whispers, giving a hopeful smile. cutie?! what does he think this is? the club? "well i guess im decent so we can help eachother. i'm also looking for some new friends since im sorta new, im finney, if you didn't already hear." i whisper back.

"you seem like a nice kid, im bruce as you may know.." bruce smiles. "okay class, i'm going to hand out your papers and you can start your first drawing assignment, which you can partner up with someone." the teacher interrupts.

i look at bruce and bruce looks at me, both of us nodding. we sit beside each other and begin our assignment. bruce decided to draw a baseball glove, and i decided to draw a bat, with a baseball helmet. "wait finney, you play baseball too? you should join a team!" bruce suggests. "yeah i do play! i'll ask my dad about signing up." i reply.

as im deep in thought, drawing my bat, bruce taps my shoulder. "what" i say as i look up, with my innocent face. "here" bruce says as he hands me a folded up paper. "it's my phone number, y'know unless you ever wanna hangout, and just because." bruce hints a smile.

- time skip to friday -


"FINNEY WAKE UP WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" gwen yells outside of my door. i get ready and run to school with gwen beside me. "why didn't you wake me up earlier!" i say, knowing i can't stay angry. "i didn't wake up long before you!" she laughs.

i hear a rock being kicked behind me, and see billy the paper boy, walking, and speeding up to get beside me. "finney, is it? i'm billy, or paperboy. anyway, i've seen you with that griffin kid and i just want to ask, do you mind if i hangout with the both of you? you guys seem cool. and i've heard griffin wants to be friends with me." billy says.

me and billy part ways with gwen, and we walk into the school together. "y'know griffin is really cool, i feel like you two would get along really well. also, you're in my math class with griffin" i say, us walking to the library to find griffin.

i spot griffin in his usual spot, with his sketchbook and headphones on. i wave my hand in-front of his face "griffin helloooo im here, and i brought someone with me." i say, billy walking out from behind me. griffins face went pale at the sight of him.


PART 6 DONE AHHH the next part is going to be JUICY. also ik nobody is gonna respond but how do i promote this story?? this chapter is also a shorter one!

930 words 🫶

ps: i made a new story check it out!!

good days - rinneyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें