part 5- better now? 💞

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finney pov:

"better now?" robin whispers, my cheeks glowing pink. i know im new to this town, but im not sure guys just.. do that to other guys. was it intentional? i didn't want to move though, that would make it awkward..

i never thought id be cuddled up with the toughest kid in school, but here i am. the more closer i am to robin, the more harder it gets to keep my eyes open. both me and robin drift off to sleep, me safe in his arms.

robin pov:

i wake up with finney, exactly where i pulled him in. but most importantly, the driest throat in history. "how is it already 3:30 am? felt like i only slept for a minute.." i think to myself, carefully moving finney off my arms in hopes not to wake him.

finney would not stop talking last night about the cold, and how i'm so stupid for leaving my window open because "it's not even spring." so i did what i could, i shut him up myself by pulling him close to me and asking if he's better.

i mean i only did this in a friend way, could i have just.. closed the window? yeah i guess, but part of me was just attracted to finney, i just wanted to be close to him at all times. "i really need to figure out what's wrong with me, why am i acting like this? so many others have slept over like vance, bruce, and billy, but none have felt like this.

i don't know why everything feels different with finney. ever since me and him met, i've just felt better around him, someone that i can be myself with. but it's only been 2 days since he's moved here!

i guess i was too deep in thought, because i snap out of it to the sound of glass shattering and water all over me. "SHIT!" i whisper yell, hoping nobody heard. now both my pants and shirt are all wet, it looks like i pissed myself.

i clean the broken glass then creep back in my room, finney fast asleep. i open my drawer and push my dresser back up, its so unstable it always almost falls on me!! i take both my shirt, and my pants off, only in my boxers.

"robin?" i JUMPED and gasped at the same time. "jesus finney what are you doing up?" i say, pulling my hair into a ponytail. "better question, why are you putting on new pajamas? it's THREE in the morning!" he whispers.

finney pov:

i jult awake to the sound of broken glass, realizing robin is nowhere to be found. did someone break in? am i gonna DIE? i walk to robins door frame creaking the door open. robin just dropped a cup.. not dying today!

i lay back in robins bed. "why is he up? it's so late.." i mumble to myself, almost falling back asleep. i open my eyes to see robin right infront of me, with nothing on but boxers. i admit, i did stare for a minute. but can you blame me??

i knew robin would have some muscle, but i couldn't stop staring at his abs, and arms. i mean can you blame me?! "yes finney! i can blame you. what is wrong with you? robins a boy! boys don't like boys." i think to myself before i'm able to mutter out any words.

"robin? what are you doing up?" i say, slowly sitting up from robins warm bed. i see him jump, someone's scared i guess. "sorry finney. i spilt water all over myself. i was js y'know, thinking about someone t-that's all!" robin says, still in boxers.

"oh.." is all i got out. "god damn it i have no more clean pyjamas" he scoffs getting back into bed, BOXERS ON. he yet again, pulls me close, and we both doze off. not wanting to be anywhere but with each other. of course, he doesn't know that i feel this way, but yet i don't know he does.

i wake up around the same time as robin. we both go to downstairs at the same time to see his sister, brooke, making us some eggs and toast. "buen dia robin, morning finney." she says, turning back around to butter the toast.

as we're eating, brooke breaks the silence. "did one of you guys break a glass last night?" "thought someone robbed the house, scared the shit outta me.." she rolls her eyes, giving a chuckle.

"yeah sorry, i hope up in the middle of the night real thirsty so i got some water and dropped the cup on accident." robin admits, looking down at his plate. "most interesting part is, i peeked in robins room after to make sure you guys were okay, and saw you cuddled up.. are you guys like a thing??" she raises an eyebrow looking uneasy.

"ew brooke what the fuck are you talking about, i was sleeping and probably shifted around. and plus, i'm not a fag." robin scoffs looking grossed out, brooke rolling her eyes. "better now?" i say, staring at robin, his eyes widening, him becoming pale. "i mean, better that you got that out of your system? seems like you woke up on the wrong side of the  bed." i scoff giving a small chuckle

robin pov:

"better now?" finney stares at me. shit. did he think i was acting flirty? did he think i had.. a crush on him? "i mean, better that you got that out of your system? seems like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed." he says, phew. i hope he didn't mean that literally..

a couple hours go by, and finney is packing up getting ready to go home. "thanks for tutoring me in math finney, hang out again soon?" i give him a smile. "no problem robin, anytime. and sure! i'll give you a call whenever" finney returning the same smile.

"adios hermoso" i say. "english robin.. english" he rolls his eyes. "see you soon." he gives a cheeky smile.


PART 5 DONE GANGGG! they're so cute istg.. this will prob be a pretty long book considering i write when im bored :) hope you enjoyed!!!

1050 words :)

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