"I'll ruin you tonight" he said, ripping off his belt and using it to beat the hell out of me.



After I cleaned the wounds and my tears, I vowed to expose Jessy and make Luca pay.

I get dressed and head out, as it it 7:00 am, I decided to not say anything to anyone, not eating at all.

I get to the living room, placing a sticky note on the fridge.

Stick note:

I've left for school, don't call me.

After that, I head to school. Since school doesn't start until 8:15am, I bought cigarettes from a local small store.

Ring Ring


"Rage?" A thick German voice rings out.

"Who is this?"

"General, this is Mark from the Organization"

"Mark, why'd you call"

"General, the French launched an attack on the capos, wiping out quarter of our men"

"What?!" How do that happen. "Where are they?"

"They're currently in the hospital, their sons are over here, currently trying to smooth out the situation"

"I'll be there tonight"

"Alright, General!"

I hang up quickly and stump on the cigarette butt and head to school, as it is 8:00am.


I quickly head to class and quickly as ever, it's lunch.

I call Ashford as I see him in school.

"Hey can you do me a favor?"

"What's that?" He says popping a gum in his mouth.

"I need you at my house at 7:00pm"


"I need someone to take me to the airport"

"Where're you going?!"

"That doesn't matter, will you help me?"



I walk towards the bathroom before being stopped my Jessy.

I'll deal with this bitch when I come back.

"Hey! I'm talking to you whore!" She bellows gathering the attention to many.

"Say that one more time" I dare her.

"Or what?"

"You'll lose a tooth"

"I'm not afraid of you!" She said paling slightly.

"You should be" I click my tooth.

"Your brother will hit you if you touch me" she smirked at my fallen expression.

"You dare to tell him, go ahead I'm not afraid of him"

"You should be, after all he wants you dead, just like your parents"

"Before that I'll make you dead first, like your brother" I smirked. Her brother died from a drug overdose.

"Bitch!" She said and punched me in the face. I saw red and pounced on her with her heels.

Our Little Devil Girl जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें