Ch.20 "What Do We Do Now?"

Start from the beginning

"A baracis ninjagai? Yeah, it's you from another life."

He laughed. "Yeah. And it's green so it fits me."

"Lloyd, most plants are green."

"I know, but this one is just green with no flowers or anything."

"Why are we talking about plants again?"

His smile went away and he went back to being serious. "I guess we should go back to the main subject, the princess's plan."

I let myself fall backwards onto the soft mattress. "I'm so tired."

"Me too." He laid back beside me.

"Should we just sleep?"

"But evil never sleeps, so we might miss something."

"Nah, evil sleeps too. Everybody sleeps. Sleep is heaven."

"I guess, yeah."

I closed my eyes then opened them back up again and sat up.

"What's wrong?" Lloyd asked and sat up.

"I didn't bring any clothes to stay." I looked at the dress that I was still wearing, I couldn't sleep in it, it was too nice and I couldn't risk ruining it after spending all my savings on it.

"Oh, that's no problem. You can borrow some of my clothes."

"I thought you said you didn't want me to steal your hoodies again."

"Who said anything about my precious hoodies? I was going to lend you my extra pair of pajamas."

"God damn it."

~Time Skip, brought to you by Master Wu drinking tea with Lloyd~

I lied down in bed alone wearing Lloyd's pajamas. He already left my room after bringing them to me. He said he needed to talk to the others about the princess being evil so he couldn't stay here with me.

What a shame. I was looking forward to snuggling.

I almost fell asleep when I remembered something.


College and medications.

Well, I guess that's two things.

I forgot to bring my meds and I didn't know what to do about college. Staying here would force me to miss my lectures.

Why? Why didn't I think of this? Why did I not expect them to force me to stay in the palace? I swear, my memory is almost non-existent sometimes.

Maybe a day off meds wouldn't hurt? I hope not.

And also, college could wait a few days. I only have around five lectures for the next two weeks and they're divided by three days.

Whatever happens, I hope I'd be in the right mentality for it.

~Lloyd's POV~

"Are you serious?" Kai asked, standing up leaning against the wall, as I told them all what Y/n told me about the princess.

He already took Amy home safely and I reassured Y/n about that.

We were sitting in my and Cole's room, everyone wearing their sleeping clothes because they were intending to sleep before I called them here. Some of us were sitting on the beds and others on the softly- carpeted floor which was where I was sitting.

The room was white and blue with two beds and a couch near the window. It was like a hotel room but way fancier.

I leaned my back against the foot of my bed. "Yeah, it's true."

Nya spoke as she sat with Jay on the couch while Jay was falling in and out of sleep laying his head on her shoulder, "I knew something was off about her."

All Nya and Jay found out from their chase after the attackers is that they've been using a secret tunnel and hallway net spread out across the palace. They couldn't go in to explore as they've been locked out. The Sons of Garmadon sealed the entrance behind them immediately.

Zane asked, sitting on my bed behind me, "How did Y/n find out?"

I replied, "Francis is back. She kidnapped him and tied him up and took the information out of his mouth."

Everyone gave a surprised look then Kai said, "Damn. When did she learn that?"

"You forgot?" I said, "She had proper training back at the volcano years ago, she has skills, but she was just not fit for the job back then."

Jay added with a sleepy voice, "Her training with you must've helped too."

"Yeah. I'm so proud of her."

Cole asked, sitting on his bed leaning against the headboard, "Where is she anyway? Why isn't she here with us to talk?"

"She said she's too tired so I let her sleep. She has to wake up early tomorrow to accompany the princess wherever she goes and I expect that to be exhausting."

"What do we do about the princess now anyway?"

"I don't know, but we should keep an eye on the Oni Mask of Deception here in the palace, neither she nor her followers should get anywhere near that."

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