Ch.3 "My Reading Buddy Is...Gone"

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"Two tickets please."

"All right. For which movie?" the worker asked.

I turned to Lloyd who looked back at me in confusion. "Close your ears."

He did as I asked, keeping up with my nonsense.

I told the worker the name of the movie and finished booking our tickets.

The movie was about to start. Thankfully, we arrived here on time just before all the tickets sold out for tonight, which was the last day for this movie in the movie theatre.

I already told Lloyd to avoid looking at the movie posters because I wanted to keep it a surprise until we're there sitting in our seats eating popcorn.

And I did.

Once we were in our seats, Lloyd asked me just before the movie started, "So are you telling me now or should I wait until I die for you to tell me as my dying wish?"

"Just wait a few minutes, jeez."

The movie started. And when the title screen came on, Lloyd started laughing.

"When are you going to stop with this joke?" he asked.

"Never, Cindergreen."

It was the adaptation of that gender-swapped Cinderella novel I gave him.


Lloyd and I watched the movie, laughing at the jokes only the ones who read the novel would understand, and returned to his house.

We lied down on his bed, exhausted. After all, it was still the same day of his return to Ninjago.

We cuddled and went to sleep.

Tomorrow would be the day Amy returns, finally.

I couldn't contain my excitement to see my reading buddy anymore.


My uncle and aunt stood with Brandon, Lloyd and I at the airport. Amy's parents changed their plans last minute and decided to come with us. Amy's mother was so concerned, so I spoke to her.

"She'll be fine, she travelled alone before."

"I know...but not like this." would have made it easier if Amy still had her phone and called us to let us know which gate she'd be at.

The kingdom she lives in doesn't allow technology, but they do have an airport though.

Amy's mom was so worried, typical.

Amy's dad put his arm around his wife's shoulders and stood close.

Brandon was just...there. No worry nor excitement on his face. He was just like 'Oh, okay. I'll drive you to the airport, no problem,' and that's it. he looked so chill.

And Lloyd was just there for emotional support and to give me reassuring smiles.

A plane had arrived and after a few minutes, people started getting out of the gate from the airplane.

Long hair, plaid button-up shirt, jeans, and a look of confusion on her face.

I yelled, "Amy!" and ran to her.

"No, Y/n, wait-" her mom yelled after me.

I hugged Amy, saying, "I missed you so much."

She didn't hug back nor say anything.

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