Ch.18 "Oh, danger? Who didn't see that coming?"

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I'm going to spare you the formalities.

Anyway, I was now the new bodyguard for Harumi.

Lloyd seemed surprised, he certainly didn't expect that, but he didn't say anything to scold me for getting myself even closer to danger except 'be careful'.

He looked like he tried so hard not to say anything else. I didn't blame him but I was glad he didn't. I already doubted myself so many times and I don't need anyone else to do it for me.

The other ninjas just came to me and asked what was going on, I told them that Lloyd knows what I'm doing and that he could explain to them what I found out later.

I finally went to say hi to Amy.

"Oh, hi," she said in return. "Sorry I didn't tell you I was coming."

I was a little taken aback by her apology. She had nothing to be sorry for.

"It's okay. Anyway, how do you know Francis?"

She took a second to answer. "I met him at a bookstore then at college. He's such a nice guy, isn't he? How do you know him? I saw you dancing with him earlier."

"Oh, we went to school together. We weren't on good terms with each other until now."

There's no way in hell that I'd let Francis near Amy ever again. I know we're on the same side now but with his sadistic tendencies, I had to protect Amy from him at all costs.

With that being said, I needed to talk to him.

And what great timing, he was just heading towards us.

"Francis, can I talk to you for a second?" I said.

He seemed a little surprised. "Sure, what's up?"

"In private."


~3rd POV~

Princess Harumi couldn't help but notice her new bodyguard pull Francis aside to talk to him.

How they knew each other? Well, that's complicated to explain.

She brushed it off and continued sipping on her drink while listening to her mother chatting with another lady.

One of the guards, one who's secretly part of the Sons of Garmadon, walked over to Harumi and whispered something to her.

Harumi whispered back, giving her orders. The guard left to do what Harumi told her.

Harumi took a glance at the green ninja who was also watching his girlfriend talk with Francis. He seemed to be quite angry, he must hate Francis so much for what he did to Y/n.

The princess decided and walked over in the green ninja's direction.

~Lloyd's POV~

"Are you having fun?"

I almost jumped from surprise. The princess was just standing there, waiting for an answer.

"Oh, yeah. The ball is...uh...fantastic!"

She giggled a bit. Why was I even nervous when answering?

She spoke again, "I enjoyed our dance earlier."

"Yeah, me too." My voice was so shaky.

Jesus, Lloyd, get yourself together. She's evil...or that's what Francis claimed.

She got herself a glass and poured some juice. "How's everything?"

"With what?"

"I mean the whole Sons of Garmadon situation. Do you think we're in danger?"

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