Ch.5 "The Wedding"

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The new Amy and I are nothing but strangers bounded by blood.

I tried to talk to her and spend time with her, but she stayed awkward around me and was confused more than half of the time.

We couldn't keep a conversation going. She wasn't interested in any of the things I said. And she was obviously too polite to turn me away and kick me out.

The days went by and soon enough, October 2nd came. And that was the day of the wedding of Brandon and Jane.

I rolled on my bed, keeping my eyes shut right before my door was slammed open and Lloyd got inside.

"Wake up! It's wedding time! We're going to be late."

"No..." I turned my back to him and tried to go back to sleep.

"What do you mean by 'No'? Get up!" he walked towards the bed and stole my blanket.

"Hey! Give it back!" I couldn't even bother to open my eyes, I just extended my hand into the void ready to receive my blanket.

"If I can get up at dawn for Master Wu's training then you can absolutely get up at nine in the morning."

"I don't care...let me sleep."

I could hear him throw away the blanket and sitting on my bed.

I turned my back to him again and tried to continue sleeping.

He lied down and hugged me from behind. "If you won't get up, I'll stay here and prevent you from moving at all."

"Sounds good to me."

"...It wasn't supposed to."

"Meh... I don't care."

"Not even about your brother's wedding?"

I didn't answer. I was half in the dream and half in reality.

The dream, as I could make out, was about a royal ball but everyone was a zombie for some reason. And then they all looked at me and lunged at me.

"No get away!" I screamed then felt some pressure on my stomach.

Soon enough, I was back in my room. And the pressure on my stomach was from Lloyd's arms hugging me.

"You're okay. It was a nightmare," he said and gave me a kiss on the back on my head while I was trying to figure out when I fell asleep.

"When did I fall back asleep?"

"I don't know, but it's been like half an hour since I lied down, I guess."

Okay... wait, did I sleep too much and miss the wedding?

I sat up and turned on my phone.

Thank god we're not late....


"Let's get ready. Quick!"

I looked at Lloyd, he was already dressed and lying on my bed beside me.

"Were you always wearing that?" I asked about his tux.

"Yup," he said and stood up, making sure his clothes didn't get messy from lying down. Thankfully, they didn't need any ironing.

I got my dress out and kicked Cindergreen out of my room so I could change. Then remembered that I had to take a quick shower before changing so I rushed to the bathroom.

By the time I was back in my room changing, it was almost time for the wedding.

Lloyd flew us on his dragon to the wedding venue and made his dragon disappear upon our arrival, catching me as I fell in the air and setting me down.

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