Ch.16 "Trust Me"

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~Lloyd's POV~

I walked into the ballroom dressed in a green shirt, a black vest, and a black pair of pants. The others walked in right behind me and I found myself making my way to the buffet to make sure if there were any candy type of foods in there.

There weren't, sadly.

Nya dragged me away from the buffet so I took the rest of the team and went to say hello to the royal family.

The emperor and empress greeted us alone, their daughter nowhere in sight.

I let them know that if any danger were to strike, I'd be there with the others to protect them. After they thanked us, we kind of split up.

Jay and Nya went to dance with the crowd. I never knew they knew how to dance until now. I had suspicions, but I wasn't sure.

Cole made his way to the buffet. I decided to follow him and picked up a plate and took a piece of cake.

I wished Y/n was here. She would've loved being in a royal ball. Me? Not so much. But I wondered what kind of fairytale could take place in a ball like this.

Maybe Y/n has corrupted me too much.

I almost laughed at that thought.

"This cake is amazing. I want to commission who made it," Cole said.

"For what?"

"My wedding...geez, Lloyd, we're adults. We don't need a reason to buy cake. We can just do that!"

"I still can't believe that it's a fact. Something at the back of my mind still tells me it's wrong."

Zane joined us and took a plate. He was a robot, he didn't need food, but he liked the taste sometimes -yeah, he has some technological taste buds or whatever and he can digest food-.

I spotted Kai going across the room to talk to a red-haired girl with an orange gown that looked like it was made of flames.

Now that I saw her, I think she was also a student at our school. Kai usually snuck out of his classes to go to her father's restaurant to watch her work on days she didn't attend school.

Her father owned the most famous noodle house in Ninjago. And most of the food here at the ball was, as one could assume, from that noodle house. No surprise they invited her, her father must be funding this entire event.

I miss you Y/n. But if what you said about the princess was true, then I have no choice but to push you aside to protect you.

Speaking of the princess, I didn't see her anywhere.

"Has any of you seen the princess?" I asked Cole and Zane. I haven't told the others yet about Y/n's suspicions, I had to find any loose screw in her plan to convince them.

"No," Cole answered.

"Me too, I haven't seen her anywhere," Zane added.

Jay and Nya were killing it at the dance floor.

Kai came over to us. "Did you know they could dance? I didn't."

"Not at all. I mean, who expected it?"

"Me," Cole said. "I knew they weren't just sneaking out of training for nothing."

Oh yeah, now I remember. They snuck out more than once to go to the arcade to play 'Just Dance'. Y/n and I caught them once but they saw us and stopped so I didn't know how good they were at it.

I watched the dance. Couples were dancing and in the middle of the dance, they would switch partners with the closest couple, then they would switch again around the end of the dance.

Looked fun. Too bad I didn't have a partner.

It seemed like the writers at the Cloud Kingdom heard my thoughts because as soon as I thought that, two gates opened. One behind the emperor and empress, and the other is the one we came through.

Two girls entered, one though each gate.

And once everyone was focused on the princess coming in, I caught Y/n's eye as she entered and looked around, nobody was paying her any attention but me.

And oh my God, she looked like the personification of beauty to me. One could easily fall in love with just a glance at her.

I approached her after handing my plate to Cole.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"That's the first thing you say to me? Wow."

"I told you to stay away. What if anyone attacked? I'm supposed to protect the royal family, but if you were here I'd sure be busy protecting you instead and fail my mission."

"Lloyd, you think too much." She added, "Also, didn't you say that I'm capable of protecting myself?"

"That was if someone attacked you, not if this whole place somehow burned to the ground. Do you want any more burns?" I added because that sounded kind of harsh out loud, "I'm just looking out for you, Y/n."

She held her hand to touch my cheek. "I know, so trust me, please."

~Y/n's POV~

"All right," Lloyd said with a sigh. "But as soon as something bad happens, come to me and try not fight danger face to face."

"Okay." What a liar.

" for a dance?"

"Nah-uh-uh," Francis said, coming to stand between us. "She promised me a dance first."

I could see the rage in Lloyd's eyes. then he turned to look at me.

I explained, "I did...He wouldn't have cooperated otherwise."

"True," Francis said.

Lloyd was showing obvious signs of annoyance. "Fine, if it's like that...then, I'll go ask someone else."

Someone else?

He glanced at the princess and gave us a last look before he went and asked her to dance.

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