Ch.14 "Interrogating Francis"

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"I don't know. For the millionth time, I don't know what to tell you."

I stood in front of him as he sat on the chair in the room I locked him in before, now there's a table in front of him because I asked Master Wu to make the room seem like an interrogation one for the aesthetic, all he did was bring a table and turn on the almost-falling light bulb above us.

I said, "You have to know something. I don't believe for one second that you're useless to me right now." I added, "For the last time, tell me how to stop her."

He sighed and leaned back in his chair, rocking the chair back and forth with his wasn't even a rocking chair.

"So, nothing?" I asked.

"Let me think."

He was probably thinking hard, squeezing his brain trying to get any idea out of all his villainous sadistic ones. I didn't believe that he couldn't come up with anything at all.

I asked, "Why are you going against the princess anyway? You said she's been bossing you around, but is that it?"

He stopped rocking the chair and answered, "We've been childhood friends. I knew her even before her real parents died during the first Garmadon attack. As soon as she became a princess after the emperor and empress adopted her, she started acting like she's more worthy than me in everything as if she's way better than me."

"Why did you stay with her then?"

"I couldn't leave...I loved her."

Wow, that was unexpected.

He warned with a serious expression on his face, "If you tell anyone about that last sentence, I'll carve out your right arm as well."

I kept the eye contact. His eyes didn't lie, he was really intending on doing it. But I wasn't the same Y/n as before. I wasn't weak. I got the upper hand now, and I was not intending on losing that control.

I banged my hand against the table, startling Francis for a moment before I stood up and leaned over the table and grabbed him by the collar of his undershirt sticking out from under the sweater.

"Listen up, moron. If you dare to threaten me ever again, I will have no problem cutting up your body into tiny little pieces and feeding it to the sharks." I added, "Is that clear?"

He gulped and kept staring into my eyes in astonishment. "Clear."

I let him go and he stumbled before he sat down straight.

I walked around the room. I needed to stop the princess, but how? Her plan was to use Lloyd to get to Garmadon, but I don't even know where he is.

I have to get closer to the princess.

But how? I'm in no way entitled to even meet her royal highness, she's the princess after all.

Francis cleared his throat and said, "Didn't know you grew out of your weak phase."

"Call it character development. Now, do we know anything to help us get closer to the princess? Anything, I just need to be around her and I'll take it from there."

"There might be..."

"And that is...?"

"There's a new open position in the palace. They're looking for a personal guard for Rumi."

Rumi...he wasn't lying when he said they were close.

I exclaimed, "Perfect! Now how do I get it?"

"There's a test Mr. Hutchins is in charge of. You have to be good at fighting though."

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