Ch.11 "A Storm Is Coming"

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Francis remembered everything.

That sadistic moron faked his amnesia.

How else would he know about my left arm's injury?

I looked at him in shock. "How did you know that little bump was going to hurt me?"

He looked at me as if he realized he messed up.


Don't ask me how, but I've managed to hold Francis hostage and tie him to a chair on the Destiny's Bounty.

He was surprisingly very cooperative.

I didn't know where else to take him, and I hoped Master Wu would help me out, so I brought him here.

Francis admitted that he faked his amnesia on our way here.

"I admit, it was a stupid move from me," he blabbered. "I didn't think you'd actually catch me. You must have grown some braincells since the last time I saw you."

I finished tying him up and stood up, looking down at him. "Call me stupid one more time and I'd throw you in the ocean. I'm sure a gigantic carnivorous fish would think you'd make good lunch."

"A what?" He laughed.

"Don't believe me? You can ask Lloyd once he's back."

"Oh, you're still with that idiot?"

I sighed.

This was going to be a long evening. And to think I missed my classes for this.

Damn it...

I walked around the room, thinking of what to do. I could ask him what actually happened but I'm sure he won't tell me.

"Won't you question me or anything? Aren't you even curious what actually happened to me three years ago and where I've been?"

"Do you want to be murdered today? Stop talking or else I'll make you!" I shouted at him. that shut him up.

I thought then said, "How in the world did you survive?"

"Oh, so now you wanna know? Too late. I won't speak."

I grabbed him by his hair and made him look up at me. "I decide whether you speak or not. Clear?"

He looked into my eyes and sighed. "Fine."


"I was saved by the princess's guards."

"Say what now?"

I looked at him in surprise. The princess? What does he have to do with the princess?

"She sent guards looking for me after I went missing for a few days. I was actually hiding in the forest near the ruins of an abandoned building that must've collapsed."

Oh yeah, that one.

He continued, "The princess and I are childhood friends, and she rescued me to join the Sons of Garmadon, led by her."

Sons of Garmadon? Wait, I think I heard a rumor about them today at college.

Hold up, did he say 'led by her'?

Oh my god oh my god oh my god.

The ninjas are in danger.

I asked, "What does she want from the ninjas?"


"The ninjas are in the palace. What does she want from them?"

"Oh...I don't know the specifics yet, I was supposed to meet up with her today for her to explain the rest of the plan."

Sons of Garmadon...

I asked, "Are you looking to free Garmadon or something?"

"Maybe. I'll only tell you if you bring me some lemonade."

I'm gonna kill this dude.

One day. Now I need him for info. Perhaps for blackmail too.

I decided to leave. He's been getting on my nerves with every word he said.

I went outside and locked the door. Then, as I turned around to leave, I screamed in surprise. Master Wu was behind me.

"How do you not make a sound when you come here?" I asked.

He ignored my question and focused on the door I locked. "What's in there?"

"Oh...uh..." I decided to tell the truth. "Francis turned out to be part of the Sons of Garmadon and faked his amnesia. And now the ninjas are in danger."

The look of astonishment on his face was priceless.

"Can you help me?" I pled.

"Would a cup of tea help cool your nerves? You look anxious."

I sighed. Why do I keep sighing? It's like breathing is a task.

I replied, "Okay. Thank you."


I sat in Master Wu's room on the wooden floor in front of a small table. His room was very traditional—looking. I liked it, it was like the definition of calm.

He made tea and sat down to pour some for both of us.

"Thanks," I muttered and took the cup of tea.

I blew on it, cooling it down a little just so my tongue wouldn't get burned, and took a sip.

"Oh my god," I exclaimed. "This is amazing! How do you make it this good?"

He smiled.

I guess that's why he wants to open a tea shop.

"Look," I said, "If anyone is against the tea shop idea, I'll fight them, just let me know."

He laughed a bit. "The others don't appreciate it as much as you do."

"They're idiots. This tastes magical."

He sipped his tea and we sat in silence for a few seconds.

After a while, he asked, "So tell me about Francis."

I told him everything that happened, from the Wattpad notification until he found me locking him up in the Destiny's Bounty.

"So," he started, "The ninjas are in danger?"

"Yeah. He said that the princess is leading the Sons of Garmadon. But I don't know how dangerous they are, I only heard some rumors in college today."

"Lloyd didn't tell you?"

"No." I guess he didn't want to worry me.

Master Wu told me how the ninjas were onto the Sons of Garmadon since they returned from their training trip. He explained everything and poured me another cup of tea.

I started feeling really anxious, my hands were shaking, my breath was unsteady, and my thoughts were racing.

It was time for my medication, so I took it out from my bag and swallowed it before continuing to drink my tea.

Hopefully, my nerves will calm down soon.

Master Wu asked, "What are your medications for, Y/n?"

"Oh. They're antidepressants and also for managing anxiety."

"I hope you get better soon."


We sat in silence for a while. For some reason, his room was very calming to me. I didn't know whether the relaxation came from his room and the tea or my medication started working.

I savored those calm moments. After what I found out, all we'll have is a storm.

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