Ch.8 "New Mission"

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~Lloyd's POV~

We have been called to guard the royal family during the emperor's speech. There have been some incidents and criminals showing up under the name of 'Sons of Garmadon'. And the royal family are worried about their safety.

Never knew anybody liked my father enough to want to be his child but okay.

I haven't told Y/n about the Sons of Garmadon. I didn't want her to worry when she already has enough to worry about with Francis being back and Amy not remembering her and stuff.

"I'm ready. Do you see anything weird?" I talked into the microphone around my wrist.

"Nope, nothing yet," Kai answered.

Nya talked to us, "I don't like this one bit. the royal family likes their privacy so why give such a public speech?"

Jay responded, "I think it's nice. They're reaching out to the people."

They all continued talking while I got ready to face any danger that could come up, watching anybody who seemed suspicious.

Nya asked after saying something, "What is their purpose from this?"

"Their purpose is to be protected, as due all our traditions." Zane said, "I believe master Lloyd has spotted something of interest."

The princess looked my way and gave me a smile.

I could hear Kai speak, "Looks like he got an eye for the princess."

Jay responded, "No way, he's so in love with Y/n already."

"I was just kidding. I know."

Zane said, "Lloyd, you're staring for too long at the princess."

I looked away. I didn't even notice I was staring. It wasn't in a weird way. I was just making sure she's okay. Isn't it our purpose here after all? To protect the royal family?

I said, "Guys, quit it."

"Ninja never quit," Jay replied, which made him and Kai laugh.

"Guys, you do know I can hear you all, right? The emperor is almost finished. Be on the lookout."

The emperor finished his speech and people cheered.

We watched, ready for any danger to strike. Some guy taking something out of his pocket caught my eye, but turned out he was just taking out his phone. Others were holding cameras and taking pictures and filming. The paparazzi held no danger.

It was until I spotted a balloon with the Sons of Garmadon logo -my dad's face-. I exclaimed, "I see them-"

The sound of gunshots was clear.

I ran to the empress and princess and pushed them to the ground, protecting them.

I called, "Is everyone okay?"

After a few seconds, the sound quietened down.

Nya answered, "Firecrackers. False alarm."

Mr. Hutchins, Master-at-Arms of the royal family -the one who called us here to begin with-, walked over to us after he escorted the royal family out. "You protected the royal family, you have their gratitude."

Cole gave me a high-five.

Mr. Hutchins continued, "You are invited to be their guests in the palace."

Jay gasped, "No one ever gets invited to the palace. Are you sure they meant us?"

Unlike Jay, Nya wasn't impressed. "It's just a palace. Once you've seen one you've seen them all."

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