✧. ┊fifty five, ready.

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Thomas genuinely felt like his skin was on fire. He didn't think there was a single thing that could calm him down in the moment.

The four stood around Teresa's kitchen, one as nervous as the other. Teresa looked up at Minho who was tapping the bench nervously.

"Okay, Lets start with you Minho, did you get accepted?" Teresa asked, her voice was shaky, nerves building in her chest.

Thomas looked over at Newt who was reading over his screen multiple times. He couldn't read the blondes expression, he couldn't tell at it was driving him insane.

He hadn't even looked at his screen yet, too focused on the blonde, trying to figure out what the fuck was going through his head. He wanted to ask so bad.

Minho took a deep breath. "I got in." He said, breaking out into a smile, but it wasn't real, it was just and nervous as everyone elses.

"Congratulations baby!!" Teresa said, leaning over to wrap her arms around his neck, he hugged her back tightly.

The air was so tense, Thomas congratulated Minho with his gaze stuck on Newt.

"Okay.. Whos next?" Minho asked, looking around the group, right as Thomas was about to ask Newt, Teresa held up her hand, taking a deep breath as she opened the email.

"Holy fuck, I got in!" She said, her eyes wide, a smile across her face. Thomas broke his gaze on Newt to look at Teresa, hugging her softly.

"Holy fuck, Thomas i got in" She said, wrapping her arms tightly around Thomas before pulling away to hug Minho.

She looked back at Thomas, "Have- did you...?" She asked softly.

Thomas licked his lips, "I haven't looked. Newt?" He said, turning his gaze back to the blonde boy.

For the first time since opening the email, Newt looked up at Thomas, nodding his head quickly. "I- Yeah, Yeah fuck guys i got in!" He said.

Although he wasn't smiling. His eyes were locked on Thomas' as if getting in meant nothing if Thomas didn't.

If Thomas didn't get into pennstate, He would be going to Ucla, Which means Teresa would go to Ucla.

Which means they wouldn't be going to school with Minho and Newt and everything would be fucked up. Ucla was far, very far, too far away from penstate for it to be considered okay.

If Thomas didn't get in to penstate then everything would fall apart, and Thomas wasn't ready for everything to fall apart, he wasn't ready for everything to change.

Part of him wanted to put off opening the email, did it change anything if he opened it now rather then after graduation?

If he opened it now and got rejected, he would spend the next week, being sad out of his mind about it, stressing and watching the whole fall apart at his feet.

Whereas if he didn't open it, then he wouldn't know therefore he wouldn't have to worry about it, and the next week he could just enjoy with his friends.

But if he did get in, then he got to celebrate with his friends and be excited.

He looked up at Newt. "Im scared." He said softly.

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