✧. ┊seventeen, here.

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it had been nearly two weeks since the whole caffufle happened. Thomas was easing into living with Teresa. It was almost like like a big never ending sleep over. Thomas hadn't been to school much.

Minho, Teresa and Newt took turns having days off to stay with Thomas, just in case. Newt, not going to school much anyways, probably stayed with him the most.

Thomas had actually started enjoying being around Newt. Despite being insanely attracted to the blonde brit, Thomas enjoyed being his friend.

There days were mostly filled with watching every marvel movie of the planet, after Thomas found out Newt was a massive marvel nerd, he teased him for a bit, before they agreed to watch the entire saga, in order.

They continued watching different movies every-time it was Newts day. He was more fun to stay home with then Teresa, who would catch him up on all the work he had missed.

He appreciated it though, not wanting to fall behind. Teresa had gone the extra length to get Thomas a medical Certificate, for a few weeks off of school.

Minho was the worse, despite being funny and entertaining. He forced Thomas to go to the doctors with him, getting him checked out.

They had given him higher pain meds, which Thomas was convinced was an overkill, since he really wasn't in all that much pain.

He was, but he wasn't.

Minho was difficult to be around, for a while. It took Thomas a little bit to get over the embarrassment of breaking down in front of him that night.

Minho was patient with Thomas.

Minho mostly talked about Teresa. Teresa talked about Minho.

Newt and Thomas would talk about Teresa and Minho talking about each other.

Despite having a busted rib or two, things we're beginning to feel okay for Thomas.

It was a Friday, which meant it was Newt's day. He came as Teresa left for school, Instantly running up the stairs straight into Thomas's room.

"Rise and shine, Tommy" He said, as he jumped onto the bed, crossing his legs as he looked at the brunnette, who groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"No" Thomas said, Newt booed at him, tugging at the sheets. "Im naked" Thomas said, he wasn't actually. He was cold, and tired and wanted to go back to sleep. Newt furrowed his eyebrows.

"Is that suppose to stop me?" Newt asked, Thomas groaned, sitting up a little bit more, looking at Newt.

"There we go, Tommy! Its a beautiful day! Im here, your favourite, Duh" Newt said, as he laid down next to Thomas in the bed.

"I wouldnt say that" Thomas said, smiling at Newt, who held a hand to his chest, as he looked up at Thomas. "That's because you're in denial"

"Is that right?" Thomas asked, Newt nodded, turning onto his side, holding his head up with his hand. "It is right" Newt said.

"Yeah?" Thomas asked, raising an eyebrow as he smiled at Newt.

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