✧. ┊sixteen, missing chuck

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Thomas was sitting on the couch watching ten things i hate about you, with Newt, Minho, and Teresa when his phone started buzzing. An incoming call from chucks parents. Teresa paused the movie so Thomas could answer the phone.

He held it to his ears, shifting slightly to get more comfortable. At this point he had a new ice pack on. "Hello?" He said into the phone.

"Thomas! Why aren't you here?" He heard Chuck on the other side of the phone, along with some shuffling.

"Hi buddy, something came up I'm sorry. Ill make it up to you, i promise" Thomas said, putting the phone on speaker as holding it up to his ear caused an ache in his arm.

"I thought we were going to go bowling today?" Chuck said, Thomas hated how disappointed Chuck sounded. He looked over at Teresa who pouted at the sound of the sad kid.

Thomas sighed. "I know buddy, I'm really sorry. Im not well right now. I promise as soon as I get better we can do whatever you want." Thomas said, he heard Chuck make an 'mph' sound.

"Anything i want?" Chuck asked, Thomas nodded, forgetting Chuck couldn't see him. "Yeah bud, anything"

"Will you let me drink?" Chuck asked, Thomas laughed loudly, Minho and newt trying to stifle their laugher as Teresa smiled widely.

"Yeah, no." Thomas said, "I don't think your parents would be too happy with me if i let you drink"

"They dont have to know" Chuck said, quietly into the phone, making Thomas laugh more. "Sorry Chuck, no can do" Thomas said.

"Fine, can we go to an amusement park?" Chuck settled on after thinking about it for a minute. Thomas chuckled. "Yeah we can. i'll text your parents when I'm better okay? and we can arrange it then"

"Can Teresa come?" Chuck asked, he had met Teresa a few times. He adored the girl almost as much as he adored Thomas.

Thomas looked at Teresa, who nodded her head quickly. "Yeah buddy. Shes here now do you want to say hi?" Thomas asked.

"Yes" Chuck said simply, Thomas smiled as he passed his phone over to Teresa. "Hey little man!" she said.

"Teresa! Will you come to the amusement park with me and Thomas when he gets better" Chuck asked, as if Thomas hadn't already told him she would.

She laughed softly. "Id love to." She said, "Hey you might be old enough to go on the big rides now, how about that!" Teresa smiled widely as she talked to the kid.

"I know! Can we make Thomas go on the big scary one, the one that goes upside down a lot?" Teresa smirked looking at Thomas.

"Of course we can" She said, Thomas's eyed widened as his lips parted. "Uh- No you can not??"

"Shut up Thomas" Teresa said. "Yeah if the kid wants you to go on the ride, you go on the ride" Minho said, winking at Thomas.

This felt like bullying honestly.

"Who said that?" Chuck asked. "Some of our other friends are here, Do you want to say hi?" Teresa asked. Chuck was quick to say yes.

"Hi Chuck, im Minho" Minho said into the phone, Chuck and him talked for a minute, mostly just about their days and whatnot.

"Hey mate, Im newt" Newt said into the phone once it was passed to him. "You have a funny accent" Chuck said, Thomas laughed, causing Newt to glare at him.

"Im British" Newt said, rolling his eyes at Thomas. "Thomas actually loves my accent" Newt said.

"Does Thomas have a crush on you"

Thomas took that as he cue to grab the phone, taking it off of speaker, he struggled to stand up, but when he did he walked into a different room of the house.

"I don't have a crush on Newt" Thomas said, into the phone, as he scrunched up his face in pain, leaning against the wall of the office. "Okay Thomas, whatever you sayyyyy" Chuck dragged out.

"I don't" Thomas said again, not sure why he was defending himself to a thirteen year old.

"Can Minho and Newt come to the amusement park with us? I like them" Chuck said, Thomas sighed. "Yeah buddy, I'm sure they will. Ill ask them and let you know, okay? I have to go now." Thomas said.

"Okay! byeee thomasssssssssss" chuck said, Thomas laughed. "Bye Chuckkkkkkkkkkk" he said in the same way.

After Thomas limped his way back into the lounge room, he saw Minho doing some weird poses with Newt on the floor, Teresa laughing loudly.

Thomas groaned as he sat back down on the couch, pulling his basically lukewarm icepack away. "Hey tommy" Newt smiled, from where he was laying under Minho.

"I didn't strike you as a bottom" Thomas said, smiling softly. Newt cheesed.

"Theres a lot you don't know about me" He said, before Minho got off of him, grabbing his hand to pull him up.

"Newt is the bottomest of bottoms bro" Minho said, shaking his head. Thomas raised his eyebrow as he looked at newt.

"What? you wanna find out?" Newt smirked.

Thomas rolled his eyes, smiling, as Newt sat back down next to him. Thomas was happy no one was acting like he was broken.

He liked how everyone continued to joke and fuck around, while still being mindful of his injuries.

Every time Thomas got a little too quiet, lost in his thoughts, he felt Newt tap him slightly, when he would look up, Newt would start talking about some dumb thing, just to keep the boy distracted.

He appreciated it, a lot.

"Can we just talk about how Aris is a fucking cockblock?" Minho said, after it was silent for a bit, making Newt and Thomas burst into a fit of laughter, and Teresa's cheeks turn a hot shade of pink.

"Can we not?" Newt laughed, not wanting to hear the boys rant again, not after hearing it a million times.

"I hope he cock blocks you next Newt."

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