✧. ┊twenty one, pawn or porn

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"Okay so youre telling me you got hard thinking about Newt in the shower" Teresa said, Thomas regretted ever telling her in the first place.

"Yeah" Thomas sighed, resting his head against the head rest of the drivers seat as they stopped at a red light. On the way to pick up Chuck.

"... But you guys are just friends?" Teresa asked, her tone said it all, it was kind of a 'you are so full of shit' tone, to put it simply.

"I mean, we are." Thomas shrugged softly, as he looked at the girl for a moment who was staring at him as if he was the most stupid person on this planet.

"I don't know resa." He said, shaking his head as he looked away from her, right as the light went green.

"Not even to a photo!! just your thoughts, fucking hell Thomas I know Newt is hot, i understand, you know the British accent and all, but theres no way you could just get off to a guy, without even a photo, and then say you're just friends" Teresa was in pure disbelief.

Thomas regretted telling her more and more by the second. "Technically we are just friends, plus you cannot tell me you haven't gotten off to Minho, resa. You aren't quiet." Thomas teased the girl.

She didn't even pretend to be embarrassed. "Yeah well, it's different, I don't get off to him and then say we are just friends. Please get out of denial, it's insufferable" Teresa said dramatically as she slouched in her seat.

"Im not in denial, him and i are just friends. Its my birthday, you can't be mean to me on my birthday" Thomas said.

Teresa glared at him. "So what? jerking off in my shower was your birthday present to yourself?" Teresa asked, raising an eyebrow. It wasn't her bathroom, it was the shower in the ensuite in the spare room, no one else used it anyways, he also knew Teresa definitely did not care.

"Yup" Thomas smiled widely at her, as they pulled into Chucks driveway. "Don't say anything in front of the kid, or to Newt" Thomas warned.

"Why do you think so lowly of me Thomas. Im not dumb" Teresa rolled her eyes, as Thomas got out of the car, Teresa stayed in as Thomas went to the front door.

"Hey buddy" Thomas said as the door opened, Chuck standing there with a wide smile, before Thomas was almost knocked over with the pressure of the hug. "I missed you Thomas!!" Chuck said, Thomas smiled softly, rubbing the shorter boys back.

"I missed you too" Thomas said gently. He looked up at Chuck's parents, who stood in the doorway, smiling at the two boys. "Happy birthday Thomas!" Chuck said excitedly, still holding onto the brunette tightly.

"Thank you buddy."

"He really did miss you, hasn't stopped talking about you" Chucks mum said, chuckling softly as she smiled at the older boy.

Thomas smiled back, "Ill get him home after dinner time, we will get food while we are out" Thomas said softly as Chuck pulled away from the hug.

Thomas had made it a rule to never ever pull away from the hug first with chuck, letting the younger boy hug him as long as he needed, sometimes it was longer then others, Thomas never minded.

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