✧. ┊fifty four, strawberry wine

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the school looked so different, all dressed up. Thomas felt a pit in his stomach as they walked through the doors to the hall, there was already so many seniors all dancing and talking, some taking photos, others eating food.

Thomas hand tightened around Newt's as they navigated their way through the crowd, before finding an empty table big enough to fit the group.

Gally was outside with his date, saying he would meet them inside in a minute.

Thomas sat down, after pulling Newt's seat out for him, which made the blonde laugh since he was perfectly capable of doing it himself. Newt sat next to him their hands still interlocked.

Minho took a photo of the two, When they noticed they both smiled widely at the camera, Thomas held up their interlocked hands.

"You okay?" Thomas asked, turning to face the blonde next to him. Newt smiled, nodding his head, before talking to Minho about the music or something Thomas didn't pay attention to.

His mind was else where. He almost felt sick, in a weird way as he tried to enjoy the night without worrying about what happened after, how things were changing, how things were changing out of his control.

and then he remembered the fact that 6 months ago, he would've been completely against getting a limo because he wouldn't be the one driving, and now it wasn't something he thought about.

He looked over at the blonde next to him, who was joking around with Minho. He realised how drastically He had changed Thomas' life, by just being there.

Thomas didn't feel suffocated, not anymore. He was safe, and he was home.

Because he was with Newt, and Newt was home.

Newt gave him the sense of security and stability that he had never had anywhere else. Everything was easy with Newt. The way they handled one anothers needs with such ease, without question.

The way that they understood each other from the moment they met. The way out of everyone in the world, Thomas couldn't picture spending the rest of his life with anybody else, besides the blonde next to him.

If he had to do it all over again, there wouldn't be a single thing he would change.

"Dance with me, tommy?" Newt asked softly, looking over at the brunette. Thomas furrowed his eyebrows, nodding his head nonetheless. They stood up, walking to the floor where other couples were dancing.

Thomas wrapped his arms around Newt's waist, as Newt wrapped them around his neck, smiling softly at brunette.

"I love you" Newt said softly, Thomas smiled widely.

"I love you too." He said, He notice Newt look away for a moment, before a proud smile came to his face as the song ended.

There was loud cheers, but Thomas was too busy staring at Newt to care about what everyone was cheering about.

Newt laughed softly, shaking his head as he looked down, Thomas furrowed his eyebrows "What?" He asked, confused as he smiled anyways.

"Just listen" Newt said softly, rubbing his thumb across the back of the brunettes neck, gentle as ever. Thomas looked confused.

Finally looking up, he felt his heart beat quicken, "Holy fuck, Newt- Newt Oh my gosh" Thomas said, smile wide, as were his eyes.

Newt just smiled at the brunette. Thomas looked back at him. "You did this?" He asked, Newt just smiled sheepishly as he shrugged softly.

The start of strawberry wine started playing, right as Thomas crashed his lips into Newts, smiling widely into the kiss. Thomas had never loved the sweet taste of honey more then he did in this moment.

Noah kahan stood on the stage, singing the lyrics into the microphone. Some people excited while others danced.

As much as Thomas loved Noah kahan, his eyes stayed on the blonde as he shook his head in disbelief, the two swayed softly,

"You are so- oh my gosh. Thank you" Thomas said, Newt smiled.

"Id do anything for you, tommy." He said softly. Thomas knew Newt's dad worked with music producers, but he didn't even want to ask how Newt had gotten this to happen, he was just so grateful.

The brit laughed as Thomas closed his eyes, resting his forehead against Newt's. "If I didn't have stage fright, or a horrible voice i would've played it for you myself, but i figured maybe Noah would be a better option" Newt said softly.

Thomas was so in love.

"Are we having an after party at yours resa?" Brenda asked, turning at the table to face Teresa. Teresa hummed softly before shaking her head.

"No, Minho Newt Thomas and I are checking our emails from penstate" Teresa said, Thomas felt his entire body tense, right as he had forgotten about it.

"I already read mine, sorry." Minho said softly, despite not have telling anyone if he had gotten in or not. Teresa frowned. "Min! Whyyyyy?" She asked.

"I was scared if i got rejected and you guys got in me being sad would ruin the moment. IF I didn't get in, i wanted to get over the sadness beforehand so i could celebrate for you guys." Minho shrugged softly.

"So you got in?" Newt asked, Minho just shrugged, despite the fact he was horribly trying to hide the smile on his face. Newt just laughed shaking his head softly.

Thomas tried to ignore the nerves building in his stomach. One, got in. 3 to go.

He wanted more then anything for this to work out, he tried not to let it affect how he was acting but not knowing was driving him insane.

"Are you okay, Tommy?" Newt asked, rubbing his hand over the brunettes thigh. Thomas nodded, not looking in the blondes direction, busy stressing himself out.

Newt frowned, "We are all gonna get in, tommy. Its gonna be okay, i promise." Newt said. It was like he could read Thomas' mind.

"We are always gonna be alright, Tommy. No matter what happens okay?"


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