✧. ┊twenty two, fairy floss animals

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"What do you wanna do first Chuck?" Thomas asked as they finished getting their wrist bands, the park wasn't that busy, not as busy as it would be later.

"Fairy floss animal" Chuck said, Minho smiled widely. "I like this kid" he said, holding his hand up for Chuck to hi five.

Chuck slapped the older boys hand enthusiastically, smiling widely. Thomas laughed softly, shaking his head. "Okay, lets go find them then" He said.

"You'd make a good dad" Newt said, as he walked next to Thomas, Thomas smiled softly, looking over at Chuck who was talking loudly to Minho and Teresa, telling them all about school.

"I think im more big brother material." Thomas said, looking back at Newt. He felt a tingle in his stomach as he thought back to the morning.

"Right now yeah, but one day, I think you will be a good dad, Tommy." Newt said. "You're eighteen, you have heaps of time before you have to think about it" Newt shrugged, "it was just an observation. Stop worrying your pretty little head"

Newt saw the way Thomas thought about it deeply, thats not what Newt was trying to make him do, it was just something he noticed, a compliment if that.

the question tingled on the tip of Newts tongue, but he couldn't find the courage to let it leave his lips.

Once they found the fairy floss stand, Chuck picked out which animal he wanted, as did Teresa after Minho teased her for being a child, he was quickly shut up when she pointed out how that would make him a Pedo.

They walked around for a little, while Teresa and Chuck ate their fairy floss. "What do you wanna do when you finish" Thomas asked, looking down at the curly head brunette who was pulling away pieces of the fairy floss.

"The big one" Chuck said, Minho smiled widely."Yeah, why don't we go on the big one first"

"Fuck no" Thomas said, shaking his head. He didn't even have a fear of rollercoasters, he quite liked them.. afterwards.

However he didn't like the fact he knew he would squeal like a little bitch the entire time, get off and then talk about how much fun he had.

"Aw tommy, Its okay. Ill hold your hand" Newt said, smiling widely. Thomas glared at the boy, Newt pulled a face, before moving his previously extended hand away.

"We can go on it, just not first. Plus thats probably not good for your stomach after you just ate, Love ya chuck but i don't wanna deal with vomit" Thomas said.

Chuck frowned, before pointing to a more relaxed ride, which was probably much more suitable for a first ride.


"Okay! Okay fine, lets go on it. But after this im gonna have to take you home chuck, we will get you something for dinner on the way back okay?" Thomas said, finally agreeing to the ride Chuck had been begging him to go on.

They had been there for a few hours now, it was starting to get busier as it got later in the day. They had gone on just about every ride under the bloody sun, Chuck was having the time of his life.

Thomas felt an overwhelming amount of joy, seeing the kid as happy as he was in that moment. Weirdly enough he couldn't think of a better way to spend his birthday.

Chuck agreed quickly, dragging the four teenagers — or three teenagers and one offical adult, to the line, excitedly was an understatement.

"Teresa, ill give you fifty bucks if you scream loud enough no one hears me scream" Thomas whispered into the girls ear, She looked at him, raising an eyebrow before nodded.


Thankfully, the carriages were three people, Thomas and Teresaa sitting with some random guy, while Chuck decided he wanted to sit with Minho and Newt, saying something about them being cooler.

it wasn't true, obviously.

"I can still switch seats and come hold your hand if you want me to, Tommy" He heard Newt yell out from the carriage behind him. "Im okay!" Thomas said back.

"Im pretty sure you want him to hold something else" Teresa muttered, rolling her eyes. Thomas's lips parted in shock, before he could say anything, the roller coaster started.

it sent them up in the air fast, holding them there for a second before dropping backwards slightly, It felt like falling. Thankfully, Teresa was screaming her lungs out, so none of Thomas' pathetic little gasps and screams were heard.

Thomas didn't hear chuck scream once, which was almost embarrassing, and humbling all at once.

when the ride ended, Thomas dragged a 50 out of his wallet and into Teresa' hand, before helping her our of the carriage.

"Happy?" Thomas asked chuck as they walked back to the car, it wasn't a long drive. they figured they'd all get something to eat and then when they went back they weren't spending ridiculous amounts of money on carnival food. Not when it always tasted like shit anyways.

"This was the best day ever, Thomas. Thank you. Did you have a good day?" Chuck said as he hugged the older boy again, Thomas smiled. "Of course buddy. Best birthday ever" Thomas said, hugging the shorter.

they ended up getting mcdonalds on the way back, Thomas didn't get anything besides a large spite, mentioning how the meds were messing with his stomach a bit.

When they dropped Chuck off at home, He said bye to everyone, even hugging the other three teenagers in the car, before Thomas walked Chuck to the front door.

"Hey chuck! Have a good day?" His dad asked, Chuck nodded quickly, excited to tell his parents about his day. He quickly hugged Thomas and said another thank you and goodbye.

"This kids cute. I like him" Minho said as Thomas got back in the car, He looked over his shoulder at Minho.  "He likes you, all of you a lot. I got some serious competition now" Thomas muttered shaking his head softly.

"Im gonna take your place as favourite big brother" Minho said, sticking out his tongue dramatically at Thomas who rolled his eyes.

"yeah yeah, Whos ready for some real fun?"

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