✧. ┊ten, hit or miss

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"Lets figure out sitting arrangements" Minho said, as the they set up, getting there early enough to get first row in the drive in movies, the big screen laid out, on a large block of grass. They parked with their boots facing the screen.

"I brought blow up couches, for people to lay on, i figured there wouldn't be enough room for all of us in the cars" Fry said, Thomas knew his name wasn't actually fry, but that was what he preferred to be called.

"Yeah we brought a fuck ton of blankets and shit" winston said, reffering to Minho's open boot, which did indeed have a fuck ton of blankets and shit.

"Us too" Teresa said. So they were set for blankets. They all began setting up, blowing up the two inflatable couches, which were hot pink.

They set the boots up next, filling them with pillows and blankets, along with putting some on the couches, which they found out pulled out into beds as well.

"This was such a smart idea, fry you're a genius" Aris said, smiling widely at frypan, who smiled back.

"Who is sitting where?" Winston asked, looking around. "I want boot, if possible" Teresa said, looking around at the group. Minho nodded quickly.

"Yeah you can sit in the boot with me, I can probably fit one more as well" Minho said, Gally put his hand up.

"Okay easy done" Minho nodded as Gally raced for the car too get comfortable. Teresa ran after him, yelling something about not him not being in the middle.

"Im good with the couch" Fry pan said, Brenda agreed with him after Sonya said she wanted a couch as well.

Winston looked at Aris, "Couch?" Aris nodded.

"So that leaves, Newt and Thomas in the boot of Thomas's car" Minho smirked, looking between the two boys.

"Just me and you, Tommy, All alone, watching a romance" Newt smirked as he stared at Thomas.

"Anyone want to switch?"



"You guys look adorable" A lady said as she walked pass the group, Teresa was quick to jump up, smiling at her widely. "Thank you!!" she said.

"Do you guys want me to take a photo of you all? for your snapgram?" She asked, Minho laughed loudly, before Winston slapped his arm.

"We would love that, thank you" Brenda said, the five on the couch curled up, as Minho, Teresa, Aris, Newt and Thomas stood behind the couch.

Thomas handed the women his phone, Camera open, she stood in front of them, placing the phone sideways to take the photos.

"You on the end" she said, Thomas looked up, pointing at himself. "Yeah you, move in a bit closer"

He shuffled to the side a little bit, the lady held the phone up again. "A little more" she said.

He shuffled a little bit closer in, Before he felt a hand around his waist, pulling him in, side pressed against another. he looked at Newt, who didn't look at him, stayed smiling at the camera.

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