✧. ┊fourty six, special

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Thomas got the two of them food as quickly as he could, over the past six months of knowing Newt, he had memories everything he ordered from certain places. He wanted to be back before Newt finished showering.

He was back soon enough, the crushers bag in his hand as he walked into Newt's bedroom, walking in saw Newt standing facing his draws, probably grabbing a tshirt with a towel around his waist, his hair was dripping wet, Thomas felt frozen in place as he watched drips of water fall down Newts back.

"Hey Tommy" Newt smiled as he turned around, Thomas smiled at him softly, placing the bag on food on the bedside table before walking over to the blonde, His hands ghosted over Newts side for a moment before placing his hands above the towel on Newt's waist.

"How are you feeling?" Thomas asked. Newt smiled softly placing one hand on Thomas shoulder, "Good" He said softly, tilting his neck to the side, "This however, will be an issue."

Thomas smiled proudly at his work, multiple hickey's covering the blondes neck, Thomas just shrugged. "I don't see an issue?" he said softly.

Newt shook his head, "I think i need to call Minho."

Thomas chuckled softly, "Yeah, I should probably call Teresa" Thomas stepped away from the blonde, not before placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

"I think they're together, actually" Newt said. Thomas leant down grabbing his phone off of his bed as he checked his messages, ignoring the 100+ notifications from the groupchat, knowing it was probably just dumb shit.

Newt finished getting change, Thomas took off his hoodie, leaving him shirtless in his sweats as he sat down on Newts bed, Newt threw Thomas' hoodie on over his head before sitting down next to the brunette, grabbing the bag of food off of the bedside table.

Newt opened his phone, to facetime Minho as Thomas got the food out of the bag, placing napkins down to cover the bed, whether Newt cared or not about his bed, Thomas just wanted to make sure.

The phone rang twice before it was answered. "Hey my little Newtie pookie" Minho said as his face lit up the screen, Thomas watched Newt chuckle softly, "Hi Minnie mouse" Newt replied, grabbing a pillow from behind him to set his phone up against

"OH MY GOSH TOM" Minho shouted through the phone, "Oh my gosh min!" Thomas said he heard rustling on the other side, before Teresa's face poked in the bottom corner of the screen.

"Tom!" she said, taking the phone from Minho, "Hi resa" Thomas said shoving a couple fries in his mouth. "T! Let me talk to my man!" Minho said, taking the phone back, Newt and Thomas looked at each other as he heard the two fight over the phone, before it ended in Minho holding the phone, and Teresa laying in his arms.

"Soooo whats happening over thereee?" Teresa asked, winking suggestively. Thomas laughed softly, looking down at his food as he grabbed his bottle of water, taking a sip.

"OH! Something happened, something has def happened and we weren't told. Our best friends have gone agaisnst us. Newt is gonna forget all about me T" Minho said, shaking his head disappointedly.

"We aren't going against you, and i didn't forget about you minnie mouse, We have just been busy" Newt said.

"Busy getting dick" Teresa shouted, jokingly, but Thomas just swallowed his water, Newt stayed silent.

"WHATTTTTTT" Minho shouted, eyes widened, Thomas laughed softly, Teresa's lips parted in shock. "Why was i not called? Do not say you were busy, because i see you sitting there eating crushers, crushers doesn't do delivery which means you had time to go get crushers, You had time to call your best friend"

Thomas's cheeks heated up listening to Teresa's ramble. "Uh, Im sure theres a vaild reason, i just don't have one" Thomas said, shrugging softly.

"Your right Minho, they're forgetting about us" Teresa said looking up at Minho, Minho looked back at her. Thomas shook his head softly, Newt shuffled slightly closer to the brunette.

Thomas' didn't have to think about it when he wrapped his hand around the blonde next to him. Newt leaned into his touch.

"So what are you two together now?" Teresa asked. Thomas looked at Newt the same time Newt looked at Thomas.

The two hadn't actually talked about that yet, Thomas tried to read newt's expression, the same way Newt was trying to read Thomas'

"Um, I think we have made it a bit awkward. You guys should probably talk about that!" Teresa said, "Call me later tom tom" She said, Thomas just furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Newt, trying to figure out what was going on in the blondes head.

The call ended a minute after, Thomas looked away from Newt when he heard the 3 beeps, signaling the call had ended. "Are we together?" Newt asked.

Thomas paused for a minute thinking about it, He noticed Newt fiddling with the sleeves of Thomas chewed at his lip. "No."

Newt looked up at him, The look on his face made Thomas' heart ache. He grabbed Newt's hand looking up at him. "Because we talked about this, Newt. Ages ago. If i were to ask you to be my boyfriend now it wouldn't be special, there would be no effort involved and you deserve better then that." Thomas said softly.

Newt smiled half heartedly at the brunette. "It doesn't matter to me, tommy." He said softly.

Thomas just shook his head. "Yes it does, and it matters to me. You deserve it to be better then us sitting here, eating crushers only having this conversation because Teresa asked." Thomas said.

Newt smiled softly, leaning up to connect his lips with Thomas' "Okay Tommy."

"But Im not interested in anyone else, you know that right? I am in love with you Newt"

Newt tilted his head as he looked at Thomas, a soft smile on his face as he saw how much Thomas was thinking about it, How much he cared.

"I know, Im in love with you too Tommy"

authors note;

this chapter took me 3 hours to write bc i kept getting getting distracted watching the suburb talk podcast.

never has it taken me this long to write a chapter in one sitting, lowk mad i coulda written 3 chapters in that time honestly

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