✧. ┊fifty two, tangled dream

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"Are you sure?" Teresa asked, as Thomas explained his plan of asking Newt to be his boyfriend. He had been thinking about it for months.

He knew exactly how he wanted to do it, when, where. He had everything worked out. It had to be perfect, Thomas needed this one thing to be perfect even if everything else went to shit.

Thomas nodded as he looked between Teresa and Minho. Newt was out with his family until later when he planned to come over. Prom was in a week, graduation the week after.

Minho nodded his head softly, "Okay. Ill make some excuse for why he needs to come over, and then ill bring him there around 6 right?" Minho said, Thomas nodded his head.

"Do you think he will like it?" Thomas asked softly, chewing his lip as he went over the plan in his head a million times.

Minho and Teresa scoffed, "Of course he will, Thomas you could ask him at two am half asleep and he would be over the moon." Minho said.

Thomas laughed softly as he thought back to Him saying the same thing to Newt about Minho and Teresa a few months ago.

"Just, don't tell him, please. I want it to be a surprise" Thomas said softly, Minho nodded, "of course not"

Teresa smiled widely as she sat up, "We need to go shopping" She said, wiggling her finger towards Thomas.

"That we do."

"Wait what are you wearing?" Teresa asked, pausing in the middle of the aisle as she looked up at Thomas, who was holding two different picnic blankets in his hand, a beige one with tassles on the end, and a light blue one, he was trying to decide between the two.

"I havent even thought about that yet, my head is so messy. Teresa Im so nervous" Thomas said, settling on the beige blanket, placing it in the trolly which was filled with a bunch of things.

"Its okay, tom. He is going to love it, i promise" Teresa said. Thomas nodded his head as he tried to relax his nerves.

Teresa grabbed his hand, forcing him to stop, and look at her. "Thomas. He will love it, He loves you. He is going to say yes, everyone knows it besides you." Teresa said.

Thomas took a deep breath, nodding his head softly.

"Come on, we need to go get lanterns"

Everything was set up. It was 5:45 and Thomas was freaking out. The beach was empty, which he was grateful for, the waves were calm as the sun was going to start setting soon.

There was the blanket set up, with a charcuterie board him and Teresa had made, a few little cushions, it was surrounded by lanterns placed in the sand.

The lanterns went up the stairs that were close to the set up. Thomas had settled on a pair of sweat pants and the tight black shirt he had worn on his birthday, he didn't want to overdress since he knew Newt wouldn't be dressed up, and it was going to start getting cooler as the sun went down.

He wanted everything to go exactly to plan, because in ten minutes, Minho would be walking Newt down to the beach.

Thomas tried not to focus on all the things that could go wrong, like Minho walking Newt down the wrong stairs, Newt not even wanting to come, Newt saying no.

He was terrified out of his skin as he stood on the beach, pacing around nervously, Teresa was at the top of the stairs, waiting to see Minho's car pull up and then text Thomas. He was checking his phone anxiously every two seconds.

The plan was that Minho had told Newt he needed him for something, important. That part had worked, since Thomas got a text from Newt earlier saying he was still coming but probably just a bit later since Minho needed him.

He was suppose to walk Newt to the top of the stairs, and then tell him to go down and that he would meet him there in a minute, and then Minho and Teresa would stay at the top, and Newt would walk down.

at exactly 5:57 pm, Thomas got the message from Teresa saying Minho was there. He stood in position as the nerves only built in his stomach.

He smiled when he heard Newts voice from the top of the stairs. "I don't understand Minho, you said it was important and now we are at a beach? Im suppose to be going to Tommy's." He wanted to laugh but instead just stood quietly.

"Shut up and go" He heard Minho.

The beach was quiet besides the soft sound of the waves, he heard the footsteps on the stairs. He was glad the stairs curved.

The smile on his face widened when he saw Newt pause in place mid step, as he looked down at the lanterns before his eyes Met Thomas'.

Despite the smile on Newt's face, his eyebrows were furrowed slightly. Thomas noticed he was wearing his hoodie, the one he had left at Newts house a couple of days agoZ

"Tommy?" Newt said softly, as he reached the bottom of the stairs looking around at the set up.

He walked over to Thomas and Thomas felt all the nerves drift away as he kept his focus on the blondes face. "Hi" Thomas said softly.

"Hi." Newt said back. Before looking around again, He was smiling, Thomas took that as a good sign.

"What is this?" Newt asked softly, Thomas chuckled.

"We have never been on an actual date, before. And In my opinion that makes me a pretty shitty person to be dating. I was thinking about it, I should've asked you on a date the first night we met, i shouldn't of wasted so much time going back and fourth in my head, when i knew i wanted you." Thomas said, grabbing Newt's hands.

"You are not a shitty person to be dating" Newt said, furrowing his eyebrows. Thomas just smiled.

"I told you I wanted it to be special. I was trying to think of a way to make it special, and still make it so it is true to you and i." Thomas said, Newt raised his eyebrow as he realised what Thomas meant.

"So, if you want, reference to the lanterns, in that box" Thomas said, pointing to the soft brown basket. "There is a flynn ryder costume and a rapunzel costume, wig and all." Thomas said, smiling.

Newt laughed loudly as he looked at the box. "You are an absolute idiot Tommy." He said.

Thomas smiled, "Maybe."

Newt looked back at Thomas with a gentle smile, Thomas mirrored it. "Newt. Can i be your boyfriend?" He asked.

Newt rolled his eyes, "As if thats even a question, Tommy." He said before connecting his lips with the brunettes.

Thomas smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the blondes waist, lifting him up, spinning them slightly as they kissed.

Things were going to change, and in this moment, Thomas decided he was okay with that.

authors note
bye this is so cringey i love it.

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