✧. ┊twenty four, control

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"Are you excited for your party Thomas?" Brenda asked, it was Friday, lunch time at school. The days seemed to be going faster lately, everything seemed to be happening so fast. Thomas' party was tonight and it was safe to say he wasn't ready, not at all.

Thomas nodded anyways, looking over at Teresa who was busy typing on her phone. Probably talking to Minho, who was stuck in detention with ratman, or jansen, but everyone called him ratman so it didn't matter.

Ever since that night on the ferris wheel, Teresa and Minho had been getting closer, apparently Minho kissed her. Thomas got a rundown on how it happened.

every single detail

multiple times.

Thomas gave Teresa a rundown on what happened with Newt as well. Every bit of the conversation from the ringtoss stand to the ferris wheel, she told him she was proud of him for talking about what happened with Alby.

Thomas realised how much he didn't care about the whole Alby thing when he had so many better things to focus on, his friends, school, Newt.

Teresa was excited about getting drunk with Thomas tonight, whereas Thomas was nervous beyond belief, He hated losing that bit of control.

"Im coming to the party, Tom, just for you" Aris said, Thomas felt honoured, since he knew about Aris' hatred for parties and loud crowds, he really was grateful.

"Im coming for the free drinks" Gally said, leaning forward on the table. Everyone always sat in the same order, Gally, next to Brenda, who was next to Teresa who sat on the end of the table, Thomas next to her on the other side, and then Aris next to Thomas.

"Alright Gally" Thomas said softly, shaking his head as he picked around his food with his fork, Teresa looked up, and at Thomas's plate.

"Eat, don't drink on an empty stomach" Teresa said, voice almost stern and protective, Thomas rolled his eyes as he pushed the tray away. He hated school food.

He hated all food. Not just in a picky way. He hated eating, he liked controlling it what he put into his body, how much he put into it, It wasn't a secret to the group, they all knew about Thomas' unhealthy obsession with what he ate.

But they knew better then to push him, that was Teresa's job. Thomas could get mad and pissed when people tried to force him to eat, when he lost that bit of control.

He had that control taken from him his whole life, he had it taken from him when he had to be home at certain times everyday to get his body bloodied up.

He thought he was in control, because he was protecting his mum, but he never was. He realised that now and it drove him insane.

He didn't want to control other people, that wasn't the issue. Just himself. He needed to control himself.

Thats why he was always the one driving, thats why he was so obsessed with what and how much he ate, thats why he didn't drink, thats why he hated hospitals, and why he hated when people pitied him

His eating had gotten so much better, before the big thing with his parents happened, when he lost control. He needed to get it back and this was the one way he knew how.

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