CH:17 [Part-2]

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The cold wind mixed with drops of river water brushes my skin, making my whole body shiver. Thanks to the jacket Taehyung brought around my shoulders, I don't feel too cold. It was as if he had planned in advance that we would come here after dinner.

He said he wanted to say something but still didn't say anything. I wondered why he didn't say it at the restaurant.

My eyes went to the sky, the golden crescent moon was shining among the dark clouds in the sky above, and several stars were surrounding it, as if they could not leave the moon alone.

We are standing on the Ponte Sisto bridge over the Tiber river and looking at the free flowing river below. Ponte Sisto is a historical bridge. It is very famous among foreigners and is often used for photoshoots.

It's a bit late now, so there are less cars passing by. The two black cars we came from are parked a few meters away from where we are, and Taehyung's guards are standing next to them.

I looked at the river, and the light from the light poles on both sides of the bridge had fallen into the river, making the water of the whole river sparkle.

The Tiber is a 406km long river that flows through Rome and Perugia and empties into the Tyrrhenian Sea.

It's as if we take the memories we have accumulated throughout our life with us till our last breath and stop at our grave.

This river has many such memories, beautiful ones and bitter ones.She witnessed all of them from below but never  complaint and takes it all silently to the sea. Some of them may be very heavy and sad. Like the legend of the twin brothers Romulus and Remus.

According to culture, Romulus and Remus are the two who found Rome. Their mother is a human and their father is Mars, the god of war. After their birth, the king ordered them to be killed and both of them were put in a basket and sent to die in the river Tiber.

This is a famous legend among many people in Rome. But that is only one thing related to the river Tiber. There are many more things out there, some of which only the river knows.

I believe everyone has their own story. Not only people have a life story. It can be anyone and anything. So the Tiber river also has a story that only she knows.

After all, only you know your own story.

"I want to tell you something." I heard Taehyung's deep voice next to me. I looked at him, he was standing next to my wheelchair, his eyes were staring at the river. They glisten under the lights, just like the river. His hands were in his pants pockets. Probably because of the cold. I was waiting for him to say something. He let out a deep breath, before turning to face me.

"I found a new Neurologist. He is an American and a genius with many famous records. He has healed people who have been paralyzed for longer than you." He said, making me sigh. He's still trying when I'm losing hope here. Seeing my expressions, he crouched down in front of me.

"Please. Just this time. I trust him." He took my hands in his. "I'm sure he can heal you." Hope shines in his eyes. I don't want to break his hopes. I felt like my throat was lacking it's wetness all of a sudden. I swallowed.

"I will agree but you have to promise me something." He frowned as I said.

"what?" It was clear from his voice that he was confused. I took a deep breath. My eyes stayed between our hands.

"You have to promise me that if this surgery doesn't work, you'll stop chasing me and take care of yourself instead." I looked at him. He still has the same confused expressions.

"What do you mean stop chasing?"

"I want you to stop trying to heal me and get your life together." I said, I don't want him to waste his whole life worrying about a hopeless person like me.

"My life? What are you talking about? You are also a part of my life. A big part. How can I ignore you and build my life?" I sighed at his question.

"Taehyung," I started. "You have to understand that we can't go together like this. It's like you're walking forward alone but I'm standing still. When you see me standing still, you run to me again and try to take me with you.But it makes you miss a lot of things in your life. Because you can't walk forward because of me. You're stuck in one place,” I stated.

"Are you indirectly saying that you and I have no future?" My breath caught in my throat after hearing his words. He's right. That's what I meant, but I didn't think my heart would beat so painfully when I heard it from his mouth like this. Blinking, I looked down at my lap.

"Isn't that true?" I asked in a small voice. I heard him scoff. There lies the anger.

"Do you know something?" he asked, pinching his nose.

I looked at him and it was clear in his eyes that what I said had hurt his feelings. It was like I could see his heart through his eyes.And now i'm regretting about my choice of words.

"I'm fed up with this. When I'm working like crazy here to build our future, you're talking like we don't have a future at all." He said 'our future' out loud. Like he wanted to push it hard into my brain. "And for your awareness, I trust Dr. Martin. He'll heal you, so you can keep those crazy thoughts to yourself."

"What if he can't heal me?" I asked, I know the negativity in my voice is too much and that my words will only make him angrier but I can't help it.

How can he have so much hope for the doctor? We don't know what will happen. If the surgery is not successful, he should be prepared to face it. Or he may become depressed like what happened with Dr. Marino. This time it can be even worse. He let out a sigh of frustration.

"Can you stop thinking so negatively?" he asked, through clenched jaw. It is clear that he is holding himself without exploding on me with great difficulty.

"Listen, Taehyung, we shouldn't get our hopes up too much. What if it just doesn't work out? You're the one who gets depressed. Please understand." I tried to explain to him.

"You don't need to worry about my mentality. You just have to support my efforts to heal you. Other things are my problems, I can take care of them."

"I will, but you have to keep my promise." I said firmly. My voice is serious. He sighed.

"Okay. I'll keep your silly promises. But it won't make sense because you're healing." He has determination in his heart. His eyes show it. I don't even want to imagine how broken he will be if the surgery fails.

I hope God will not be cruel enough to break his heart.

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