35: I'd rather be friends with a groundhog

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In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Say to him: The One who shall give them life is He who has brought them forth into being the first time. For He is all-knowing of everything in creation! (Q: 36 V: 79)


I cracked my skull open, apparently.

Like an egg.

My skull cracked open.

When I opened I eyes, it felt like I was stepping out of a dream; a really long dream. To say I was confused would be putting it lightly, Mom and Zayd were bawling, and I was in a bed, immobile, my mouth dry and my head feeling like it was filled with lead.

Then Mom had pressed a button and a doctor and nurse came in shortly, it was then I realized I was in a hospital, and my confusion increased. The nurse sent Mom and Zayd out while the doctor assessed and asked me a bunch of questions like my name, age and date of birth, I answered him and asked what happened, then he asked me if I remembered the accident. What accident? The last thing I remembered was leaving Dr Harrison's office, everything after that was a blank slate, which was unnerving, I felt woozy and my head ached. I told the doctor my head hurt, and I wanted to sleep. He nodded, and did a bunch of other stuff I couldn't remember before he and the nurse stepped out, moments later Mom and Zayd rushed back inside.

They kept smiling at me while tears ran down their faces, I wanted to ask what accident the doctor was talking about, but I was so sleepy I couldn't form the words, and I dozed off.

I didn't know I long I slept, but whenever I opened my eyes Mom and Zayd were there. Each time I did they told me to get some rest, and I didn't even have the strength to do otherwise.

Another time when I opened my eyes, I finally felt more awake; the wooziness was gone, and my head felt clearer, even though it still throbbed, and I ached all over my body. Zayd and Mom weren't in the room, and I used the alone time to look around my surroundings, the ceiling and walls were white, and a machine beeped next to me. I raised my head as much as I could without it hurting, and saw I was in a hospital gown, my left arm wrapped in a cast, and an IV attached to my right hand. I raised my right hand slowly and brought it to my head, feeling the bandages wrapped tightly.

What happened to me?

The door opened and Zayd walked in, his eyes widened when he saw me awake and he hurried over to my side, "Zahra", he hovered over me, concern all over his face as he looked at the hand touching my head, "are you okay? Does your head hurt?", he asked, "should I call the doctor?"

"No", my voice was hoarse, I shook my head as best as I could, "don't call anyone"

Zayd looked unsure and glanced back at the door, then he nodded and sat on the chair. His right arm was wrapped in a cast, I frowned at it, "your arm"

"What?", he looked at it like he was seeing it for the first time, "oh... yeah"

"How did it... what happened?", I asked him.

Zayd dragged his chair closer to me and placed his left hand on my arm, "we had an accident"

"An accident?", I repeated, "like a car crash?"

My brows drew together in confusion as I deduced his words, then terror washed over me, "oh my god", I gasped, "how... are you okay? Is Mom-"

"We're okay, I'm okay", Zayd assured me, "you're okay, it was just the two of us in the car though"

I breathed a sigh of relief, "when did it happen? And how?", I asked.

"It happened on Sunday, today's Wednesday", he told me, "what's the last thing you remember?"

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