3: The ruler touched you not me.

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In the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful.

Therefore fight against the friends of Satan, surely Satan's strategy is weak. ( Q: 4 V: 76 )

"Okay Zee relax, it's just school", I muttered to myself as I paced up and down in front of my dressing table. Today was my first day at Evergreen High and to say I was freaking out was a huge understatement, "what's the worst that could happen?"

"Let's see, you could trip on your shoelaces while walking down the hallway and fall on your face"

I glared at Nadia through my phone screen, "you're really not helping"

"Just relax", Nadia sighed, "you're acting like you're being shipped off to some military school for bad kids"

"Again, not helping", I scowled at adjusted my hijab for the hundredth time.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head, "look, it's just like you said; it's just school, just be yourself okay? If anyone looks at you weirdly because of your hijab screw them"

I laughed at her remark, "okay how do I look?", I asked her as I stared at my reflection. I wore a white T shirt and light blue Mum jeans with a big pinkish purplish sweater and a peach colored hijab. Then I finished the outfit with a pair of white sneakers.

Then I finished the outfit with a pair of white sneakers

"You look great"

"On a scale of one to ten?"

Nadia rolled her eyes, "eight"

"Hey Zahra!", Zayd yelled from downstairs, "it's high school not your wedding day! Get your butt down here!"

"Shut up!"

Nadia burst out laughing, "he has a point", she said, "go, you got this"

I nodded and took in a deep breath, "alright"

"I have to go, good luck!"

"Thanks bye!", I hung up and shut my laptop, then grabbed my backpack and went downstairs. Zayd and Mom were in the kitchen, Zayd wore a simple outfit of a black sweatshirt, grey joggers and white sneakers. I sighed, boys didn't have to stress much to look good.


"Have fun", Mom smiled at us as we got down from the car, " and good luck"

"Thanks Mom, Salam alaikum"

"Walaikum salam!", She waved at us and drove off.

For a few moments we stood where we were, I glanced round the school premises, staring at the students entering the building, most of them had bright smiles on their faces.

"Come on", Zayd said and grabbed my hand. My heart was racing as we neared the building.

"Bismillah", I muttered as we entered the hallway, it was crowded. A few people stopped what they were doing and stared at us.... Well, mostly at me, they had confused and surprised looks on their faces. I gulped and felt my cheeks heat up.

I gripped Zayd's hand tightly and he squeezed my hand back in a reassuring way, we walked further down and Zayd asked someone for the direction to the secretary's office. We went there and got our schedules and locker numbers.

My locker was about five lockers away from Zayd's, after putting some stuff away he came over to me, "what do you have first?", He asked me.

I looked at my schedule, "History", I looked at him, "you don't have History first?"

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