11: A comment like gorgeous or sexy wouldn't hurt

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In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful

Say: Though the sea became ink for the Words of my Lord, verily the sea would be used up before the Words of my Lord were exhausted, even though We brought the like thereof to help (Q:18 V:109)

Sibling relationships were weird, I'd take a bullet for my brother but I'd also skin him alive if he went through my snack box. Right now I wanted to skin him, and no he didn't eat my cookies, but he did something worse.

"Mom, I'm positive you found Zayd in the dumpster didn't you?"

Mom looked up as she heard me marching down the stairs, she looked confused at my words, "what?"

"Take him back, we don't need him again"

She sighed and placed her mug of coffee on the dining table, "what did he do this time?"

"He used my favorite vintage scarf to wipe his closet!", I glowered at Zayd as he came down behind me.

"I thought it was a rag!", He argued.

I glared at him and smacked him at the back of his head, "does a shiny silk scarf look like a rag to you? Are you blind or what?"

He slapped my hand away, "stop hitting me, it was on the floor in the laundry room, what did you expect me to think?"

"So if your sweatshirt is lying on the laundry room floor, I can use it to clean my bathroom right?", I crossed my arms as I scowled at him, "since it's a rag"

Zayd rolled his eyes and walked ahead of me, "whatever, I'm done talking"

Mom frowned at him, "Zayd, apologize to your sister, that was wrong of you"

"I didn't know it belonged to her!"

"Zayd", mom sounded sterner this time.

He sighed in defeat, "sorry", he muttered and walked out of the house.

"Are you two going somewhere?", mom asked me.

"Yeah, we're going to Brian's", I replied and entered the kitchen.

"Okay, let me know if you'll be late"

"Sure", I grabbed a coke from the fridge and shut it, "see you later, salam alaikum"

"Walaikum salam, love you"

"Love you too mom!"

When I got out Zayd was leaning against his car, texting away on his phone with a smile on his face.

"Who you talking to?"

His head whipped when he heard my voice and he pocketed his phone fast, "no one", he muttered quickly and got into the car.

"Sure, you were just hitting your thumbs on your phone and smiling like a dork for no reason", I entered the passengers seat and raised a brow at him, "because that's totally normal"

Zayd rolled his eyes and scowled, "not in the mood for your sarcasm Zahra, shut up"

"Jeez relax would you?", I was puzzled at his remark, he was acting snarkier than usual. Did he misplace his air pods again or what?

"You good?", I asked him.


His short answer let me know he wasn't saying anymore, so I brushed it aside. Whatever was going on with him I'm sure he can handle it, I didn't have to act so protective all the time, besides he wasn't the type to be moody for long. He'd get back to normal before I knew it.

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