Holy moly.

"Enjoying the view?" His amused voice reaced me when I licked my lips, watching the drops of water disappear under the towel before looking up at him with a red face and shaking my head.

He chuckled, placing a strong kiss on my forehead before getting dressed. 

"Let me help you." I walked over to him and did his tie, then helped him wear his blazer.

"Thank you." He murmured as he kssed the top of my head.

"Let's go?" He held out his hand and I took it gingerly, letting him lead me out of the apartment. 

As soon as we opened the door, Aaron and Taylor fell stumbled forward into my place and Adam pulled me back immediately so we didn't crash.

He narrowed his eyes at the two who looked at us with guilty and sheepish smiles.

"Were you two spying on us?" I asked baffled but they only pursed their lips while I shook my head.

"Are you two going somewhere?" Aaron asked instead and Adam glared at him, wrapping an am around me and pulling me closer.

My jelly man.

"Yes, we have to meet someone. I'll explain everything later." I told them both.

"Alright, stay safe." Aaron said and hugged me, followed by Taylor before we left.

"Hello, Carter." I told the man after he opened the door for us.

"Ms. Edward." He nodded in respect with a warm smile as we got in.

"Where are we meeting him?" I asked Adam whose hand stayed on my thigh, sometimes venturing up to tease me before sliding down again from time to time.

"There's a restaurant half an hour away from here." He answered and I nodded, looking out the window at the passing scenery.

When we reached the restaurant, Adam helped me out and led us both inside where a manager greeted us with a surprised face.

"Ms. Edward, Mr. Thorne, your guest is waiting." He said and Adam nodded, his face suddenly motionless and cold as he put his hand on the small of my back and followed the manager to our table.

I knew we were being watched as well as photographed the way the hair on my neck stood up with all the eyes on us, but I ignored it as best I could and kept an impassive face. This was second nature to me now.

When we reached our table in a more secluded part of the fancy restaurant, my eyes fell on a tanned man sitting alone. He wore a navy blue suit which hugged his frame perfectly, highlighting his lean yet muscular body.

He had a dangerous aura around him, and something about him just seemed so... dark. Suddenly, I wished I was far away from this man and back home hiding under my blankets.


The moment he heard our footsteps, he looked up at us and I held in my breath because the expresson on his face was nothing short of a deadly killer's. He was calm. Too calm. That, and he was fairly good looking too. 

Not as much as Adam though.

"Mr. Ricci." Adam said when the man stood up, and I noticed he was as tall as Adam as they both shook hands.

"This is my girlfirend, Isabelle Edward." He gestured to me and my tummy swarmed wth butterflies when he called me his 'girlfriend'.

Oh, shut it.

"The one for whom you need protection, I assume?" The man finally spoke in a thick talian accent, his voice deep and low at the same time.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ricci." I shook his hand with a smile and he nodded once, looking back at Adam without even moving a single muscle.

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