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"Adam, don't!" I yelled, snatching the file from his hand as he glared at me.

"Sweetheart, I'm not paralysed." He deadpanned as I led him back into bed, him limping towards it slightly.

"Pretend you are." I say tucking him in when he grunts in displeasure.

"It hurts, god, the pain!" He groans, holding onto his arm dramatically as I huff in frustration.

"You're acting like a literal child, Adam." I cross my arms over my chest.

"I'm not, I'm just in pain. Take care of me, come on, kiss me." He held out his good arm to me and puckered his lips but I stepped away from him.

"No, stay in bed, I'll get you some soup." I said turning away and ignoring his complaints.

"Baby, I swear to God if you leave me alone here again, I will sneak off to work." He threatened and I halted immediately, raising a brow at him.

"Will you now?" I challenged and saw him smirk.

"Oh, I will, darling." He narrowed his eyes at me before patting the space beside him. I knew he wasn't bluffing because I did catch him trying to sneak off to work while I was asleep.

Huffing, I got in the covers beside him as he wrapped his good arm around me.

"Now, how about a movie?" He asked and I sighed, grabbing the remote and handing it to him so he could put something on.

Halfway through the movie, I felt like eating something and looked at Adam who was so concentrated on the television screen it creeped me out a bit.

Has he ever watched me like that?

The thought alone gives me chills.

"You hungry?" I asked and he immediately looked at me and smiled sheepishly.

"A bit." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Should've just let me go before then." I grumbled under my breath, attempting to get out of bed but he wouldn't have it.

"You do realise I can't cook anything here, can I?" I asked when he smirked.

"Darling, we both know I'm hot, so we can always use me." He said waggling his eyebrows as I smacked his chest.

"Shut up." I mumbled, biting my lip to stop the smile from spreading.

"Or I could just eat you?" He asked leaning towards me but I pushed his face away.

"No thank you, I'll go make something for us." I was about to get out of bed but Adam was standing before me.

"Let's go together." He held out his hand for me to take and I sighed, shaking my head because I knew he was relentless.

Taking his hand, we both went down to the kitchen and I gathered ingredients to make something quickly while Adam sat on the stool, watching me curiously.

It had been a two weeks since the accident, and a lot of things had happened in these two weeks.

Josephine and Olivia were now living in an apartment somewhere, so the house was now officially un-possessed by the two.

Lance had asked me if I wanted to come back and honestly... I kinda didn't. I still had to ask Adam if he was okay with me staying here, obviously.

As for the illegal transactions, thankfully, no other had been made since that day at the office but I had a feeling something worse was to come, and trust me, that feeling was not great.

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