Jimmy save tuger cub Askel Losing iphone

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Askel: "Uncle Jimmy, can I ask you something?"

Jimmy Crystal: *sips his ramen* "Of course, kiddo. What's on your mind?"

Askel: *fidgets nervously* "Well, I've been thinking... How do you avoid losing your iPhone? I'm always afraid of losing mine."

Jimmy Crystal: *chuckles* "Ah, the iPhone dilemma. It's all about keeping track of it, Askel. I usually keep mine in a secure pocket or bag when I'm out and about."

Askel: *nods eagerly* "Got it. Thanks, Uncle Jimmy."


Askel: *turns to Mr. Wolf* "Dad, what if I lose my iPhone? What would happen?"

Mr. Mason Wolf: *smirks reassuringly* "Hey, don't worry about it, Askel. We'll make sure to keep an eye on it. And if worse comes to worst, we'll track it down together."

Askel: *relieved* "Thanks, Dad. I feel better knowing you're here to help."

Jimmy Crystal's villain from heroic showing Hate Meme of Deviant art usersWhere stories live. Discover now