Jimmy tries fight MrWolf leave tiger

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Mr.Wolf is a yellow-eyed anthropomorphic wolf, seamlessly blending human and animal qualities, possesses a slender build, featuring a dark grey snout and a distinctive white underbelly, his eyes are deep and dark brown with yellow sclera, complemented by thick black eyebrows, the left one bearing a subtle notch and maintains a well-groomed and attractive appearance, is commonly seen wearing a casual suit, the ensemble consists of a cream-colored blazer left unbuttoned over a bright white dress shirt, pairs this with cream-colored dress pants, a brown leather belt, and brown dress shoes. Askel similar to Ender Wiggin and quite curious imaginative tiger cub clutch doll Sabretooth like Bobby Generic and Min ho healthy drinking problem and eating fries foods had mental problem and sctach biuytt in public scvhool. Askel sadly hurt that Askel's parents were brutally by evil poachers who worship demons and poisoned foods. Jimmy chuckled compare Askel to Ender Wiggin and favor gain Askel seek leader like way Hyrum Gruff to Ender Wiggin. Mr.Wolf seek and chuckled Askel to Ender Wiggin and compare Ender Games. Mr.Wolf and Jimmy compare Porsha  sort of Petra Arkanian. Diane smiled,"Askel bit of Gale Hawthorne also Hunger Game and Minho from Maze Runner and Bobby Generic from Bobby World and Yuyu Hakasho and Shin Chin and bit Nobita." Askel cuddling Diane. Please make dialogues of Mr. Wolf moped but smirk grinned ruffled Askel. Blitzo the imp teach Lincoln Loud the platinum blond white hair boy Loud House not envy Askel. Mr.Wolf and Diane adopted Lincoln. Lincoln scoff annoyed how Askel steal Lincoln's spot. Diane's son Jetson Pawsera the male Siberian husky grey arctic wolf wagging tail reading with Ollie tabby cat kitten. Mr.Wolf's adopted son Jetson seen Lincoln who envy Askel. Jetson never spare Askel becuase both Jetson and Askel had same animals carnivores. Jetson's mother had died since Jetson was four. Mr.Wolf taken Jetson under wing. Diane adopted Jetson first. Jetson born 2018 and Askel born 2014. Lincoln born years of 2008. Lincoln envy toward Askel that Mr.Wolf first adopted Lincoln and feel Askel replace Lincoln. Lincoln shove Askel, but Jetson upsetting pulled biting Lincoln's shirt. Lincoln angry told Blitzo that Askrl took Jimmy's side,"I heard Jimmy who insult Porsha." Jimmy rages at Lincoln and glared at Lincoln who violated Jimmy's personal life family of Claudia wife. Lincoln angry accuse Jimmy favor Askel and Askel take wrong side of Jimmy. Please make dialogues of Lincoln's foster dad Mr.Wolf growled Lincoln,"You are dead meat!" Lincoln rage Mr.Wolf,"You always bad guys!" Askel born mental retardant. Mr.Wolf growled scolded Lincoln being rude. Mr.Wolf's and Diane's nephew Lewis Robinson has outfit consists of a white short-sleeved collared shirt, blue sweater-vest, red shorts, white knee socks, brown shoes, and brown, tortoise-shell colored, round-rimmed glasses. Lincoln blame Lewis. Lewis look hurt crying. Jetson cover eyes whimpered Askel's back. Lincoln rage envy Lewis. Lewis crying. Diane comfort Lewis. Askel went out 7-eleven look concern past Jimmy and Mr.Wolf who use fighting. Jetson wagging tail begging moped whimpering like dog tagging along Askel. Askel message Diane and Mr.Wolf for Jetson. Askel buying six colas and energy drinks. Jetson look odd at Askel's habit caffeine. Jetson had message from Mr.Wolf and Diane who knew Jetson safe with Askel. Please make dialogues of Mr.Wolf and Diane talk Jetson about Askel's health. Jimmy sternly saw Askel's collecting of 7-eleven's foods.

Mr. Wolf and Diane sat Jetson down to have a serious conversation about Askel's health."Diane and I want to make sure you understand Askel's condition," Mr. Wolf began, his tone grave.Diane nodded in agreement. "Askel has some serious health issues, Jetson," she added gently. "It's important for us to keep an eye on him and make sure he stays healthy."Jetson listened intently, his expression reflecting his concern. "What can I do to help?" he asked earnestly.Mr. Wolf smiled warmly at him. "Just being there for Askel is a big help," he replied. "If you notice anything unusual or if Askel needs anything, don't hesitate to let us know."Diane nodded in agreement. "We're a family, Jetson," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "And we all look out for each other."Jetson smiled back at them, a sense of determination shining in his eyes. "I'll do whatever it takes to make sure Askel stays healthy," he vowed, his voice filled with resolve.Meanwhile, Jimmy watched Askel carefully as he collected his snacks from the 7-eleven, his expression unreadable. He knew Askel's health was fragile, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for any part he played in it.

Diane: "Askel, sweetheart, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Askel: *sobbing* "Diane, it's... it's just... Mr. Wolf..."

Diane: "What about Mr. Wolf, Askel? Did something happen between you two?"

Askel: *sniffling* "He... he doesn't... he doesn't care about me like he cares about Lincoln. He's always with him, always hugging him..."

Diane: "Oh, Askel, I'm sure that's not true. Mr. Wolf loves both of you very much."

Askel: *tears streaming down his face* "But it feels like he doesn't, Diane! Every time I try to get his attention, he's busy with Lincoln or something else. It hurts so much..."

Diane: *embracing Askel* "I understand, sweetheart. But you know what? You are special to me, and I'll always be here for you, no matter what. You don't have to feel alone."

Askel: *sniffling, still crying* "Th-thank you, Diane..."

Diane: "Now, let's dry those tears. How about we go find Mr. Wolf together and talk to him about how you're feeling?"

Askel: *nodding* "Okay, Diane..."


Mr. Wolf: "Jetson, my boy, have you seen Askel anywhere? I need to talk to him."

Jetson: "He's... he's with Diane, Mr. Wolf. They went that way."

Mr. Wolf: *concerned* "With Diane? What's going on?"

Jetson: "I don't know, Mr. Wolf. Askel looked really upset, though. I think something's wrong."

Mr. Wolf: *worried* "Alright, Jetson. Thank you. I'll go find them."

Jetson: "Can I come with you, Mr. Wolf?"

Mr. Wolf: *smiling gently* "Of course, Jetson. Let's go."


Lincoln: *furrowing his brows* "What's Askel's problem, anyway? Why does he always have to make everything about him?"

Mr. Wolf: *entering the room* "Lincoln, that's enough. Askel is going through a tough time right now, and he needs our support, not our criticism."

Lincoln: *defensive* "But, Dad..."

Mr. Wolf: *firmly* "No 'buts', Lincoln. Askel is your brother, and we need to be there for him, no matter what. Do you understand?"

Lincoln: *grudgingly* "Fine, Dad..."

Mr. Wolf: *nodding* "Good. Now let's go find Askel and see if we can help him."


Jimmy: *scowling at Mr. Wolf* "So, you're telling me you're just going to let Askel suffer like this? You're not even going to try to help him?"

Mr. Wolf: *calmly* "I am doing everything I can, Jimmy. But right now, my priority is to make sure Askel is safe and taken care of."

Jimmy: *skeptical* "Sure, sure. I'll believe it when I see it."

Mr. Wolf: *steely gaze* "You do that, Jimmy. But mark my words, I won't rest until Askel is back where he belongs, with his family."

Jimmy: *grudgingly* "We'll see about that, Mr. Wolf."

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