Jimmy's Threat to Mr.Wolf

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Kengo sadly felt hurt suffering psoriasis to Kengo's  foster parents Dreamworks' movie The Bad Guys' a mixed greyish fur dark snout slender build, friendly yellow flash eyed handsome gentleman thief wolf Mr.Wolf age 30s. Kengo's  foster mom Ex-governor Diane Foxington a red-orange vixen Crimson Paw with emerald eyes both from Dreamwork's The Bad Guys age '30s smooth Blair. Mr.Wolf and  colleagues rival Sing 2 arctic wolf mogul Jimmy Crystal are colleagues and wolf rivals who grew a savage feud love over love interest Diane and fight over Jimmy's grey wolf Arctic wolf biological daughter Porsha. Jimmy blamed Mr.Wolf for stealing Porsha. Porsha is officially the adopted daughter of Mr.Wolf and of Diane. Jimmy no longer bond with Jimmy's foster son Jaki male clouded leopard cub. Mr.Wolf  and Diane are Jaki s godparent and foster parents. Mr.Wolf angrily scolded Kengo about disrespect Jaki,"Never speak and treat my godsons. Don't never mess fight with Jimmy's foster son Rokoro the male American Bobtail kitten cat?!". Kengo felt hurt that Mr.Wolf complete forgot special bond with Kengo all years. Mr.Wolf turn cold toward Kengo. Kengo start cry complain to Diane. Kengo live with Jimmy's house but Jimmy did bond with Kengo.Jimmy threatened Kengo," Wolf say harshly to you after I abandoned Jaki and Porsha." Professor Marmalade mean now is Jimmy's new partner. Kengo felt jealous Jimmy is no longer sweeet grew worse evil plan to kill Mr.Wolf,"I will kill Mr.Wolf who steal my daughter." Kengo feel hurt though Jimmy use to be sweet but grew nasty. Diane saw Kengo hangout with Jimmy threatening  Mr.Wolf. Diane finally custody of Kengo. Kengo crying still upset felt hurt but Diane comfort smooth Kengo,"Sweetie Don't worry about Mr.Wolf. Mr.Wolf care about you. Jimmy grew dangerously." Mr.Wolf came over seeing Diane and Kengo.Kengo still upset hurt crying. Mr.Wolf comfort held tightly Kengo,"I am sorry Kengo."Diane rolled her eyes upset Mr.Wolf's treatments of Kengo," About that you said to Kengo." Diane scold seriously to Mr.Wolf about Diane 's and Mr.Wolf's former rival  Professor Marmalade.

Kengo: *sniffles* "Mr. Wolf, why did you say those things to me? I thought we were close."

Mr. Wolf: *regretful* "Kengo, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have treated you that way. It was wrong."

Diane: *disapproving* "Mr. Wolf, your behavior towards Kengo was unacceptable. We need to talk about this."

Mr. Wolf: *nervous* "Diane, I know I messed up, and I want to make it right."

Diane: *concerned* "It's not just about Kengo, Mr. Wolf. It's also about this feud with Jimmy Crystal. It's tearing everyone apart."

Mr. Wolf: *reflective* "You're right, Diane. This feud has gone on long enough. I need to find a way to make amends with Jimmy and put an end to all this hatred."

Kengo: *teary-eyed* "I just want everyone to get along, and for you to be the Mr. Wolf I looked up to."

Mr. Wolf: *hugging Kengo* "I promise, Kengo, I'll do my best to be a better friend to you and make things right with Jimmy and Porsha."

Diane: *supportive* "That's a step in the right direction, Mr. Wolf. Let's work together to mend these broken bonds and put this feud behind us."

As Mr. Wolf, Kengo, and Diane work to reconcile and mend their relationships, they also strive to bring an end to the bitter rivalry with Jimmy Crystal and find a way to unite their unconventional family once again.

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