JImmy's villian shift

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 Mr. Mason Wolf the Dreamwork's The Bad Guys angry friendly slender thin built roguish handsome gentleman thief greyish wolf with yellow eyes in rage savage low growl holding a crying Elijah the male fishing cat kitten. Mr. Mason Wolf faces off colleague and rival Jimmy Crystal the shrewd and ruthless arctic wolf mogul from Sing 2. Jimmy is Elijah's second father before being close special bond. Previously result earlier Jimmy made partner crime with Elijah to selling illegal collection, drugs, guns and fries foods and beverage and explicit raps and hip hop musics in activity behind Mr.Wolf 's and Diane's back. Mr.Wolf enrage savagely snarled at Jimmy," You promised go fishing with Elijah. You did this behind my back for bad example to Elijah for second father." Jimmy frustrated Elijah choosing Mr.Wolf. Jimmy had lost heir. Mr.Wolf is the foster father attractive gentleman thief grey wolf protect felines kittens and cubs . Elijah's Foster mom attractive red-orange vixen governor/Crimson Paw Diane Foxington with emerald eyes fiercer snarl at Diane's first boyfriend Jimmy. Jimmy and Mr.Wolf were colleagues and wolf rivals vicious fight over Diane Foxington and over Jimmy's biological daughter Porsha Crystal. Porsha is adopted daughter is Mr.Wolf and Diane. Mr.Wolf growling angered that Jimmy is a bad father to Porsha ," You are bad father." Jimmy's cousin Mateo the Asian golden cat give photo to Mr.Wolf and Diane flashback Jimmy had done to Elijah illegal sell cocaine and alcohol before Mr.Wolf and Diane adopted Elijah. Jimmy growling frustrated telling Elijah the fishing cat kitten is boater unlike Jimmy's foster son Jaki male clouded leopard cub, Jimmy's godson Axel the Sumatra white golden tiger cub and Jimmy's godson Max the lion cub,"Elijah is quiet different seen my whole life I want Elijah be heir."Mr.Wolf blazing fury rage angered Jimmy about abandoning Jaki. Jaki is Mr.Wolf's and Diane 's godson. Mr.Wolf angered many another previous nasty devil fishing cat Scardino and talking Jimmy,"I felt betray by fishing cat Scardino done cruel to Diane." Jimmy frustrated rage,"Point adopted Elijah, he is boater kitten. I need him." Please make stories' dialogue of Mr.Wolf in angry rage growl, holding crying Elijah tightly in strong arms against Mr.Wolf's muscle tense fur chest and still growl blazy fury and furious and angered at Jimmy," After all, you have steal Diane and being bad father to Jaki and to Porsha.You promised to be second father to Elijah ." Jimmy growling lung attack and sneer and glare at Mr.Wolf," After all you stole Porsha from me." Diane snarl rage at Jimmy,"Enough."Mr.Wolf raged Jimmy," You had done Max and Axel more stupid." Jimmy growling blamed Mr.Wolf,"You used me to godfather." Please make stories' dialogue of Diane's former ex boyfriend Jimmy rage took Diane's arm,"Cone on, Diane, come with me." Diane angrily snarl at Jimmy,"You lies." Elijah crying remembering Max and. Jaki telling Diane the brave mother. Please make stories' dialogue of Mr.Wolf angrily growled seen Jimmy again stealing Diane. Mr.Wolf still held crying Elijah in low growl in angular tense savage beast angered fight Jimmy," You always pick wrong pack, Crystal. Stat hell away from my wife." Jaki a male clouded leopard cub hurt felt betrayed gave Jimmy a tigresss lioness leopard wife Katarina with twin wolf but Jimmy and Katarina split. Jerry domesticated cat's cousin Mia grey tabby cat and Maurice tabby butterscotch red tiger two adopted children kittens of Jimmy had always report Mateo and Mr.Wolf and Diane about Jimmy bring Elijah selling drugs and alcohols invite bad triad gangs. Please make stories' dialogue of Mr.Wolf and Diane comfort Jaki. Elijah previously had drink caffeine and sugars in fishing boat trip with Jimmy. Mr.Wolf and Diane wake Elijah up. Elijah sick drink addicted dizzy. Please make stories' dialogue of Mr.Wolf held Elijah tightly shaking Elijah and had angry at Elijah,"What happened, where Jimmy?" Elijah frightened crying,"Jimmy forgot to take fishing with me." Mr.Wolf hugged and held Elijah tightly.Diane ragely told Mr.Wolf.  Mr.Wolf angrily saw Jimmy coming over. Jimmy sneered and growled at Mr.Wolf,"What hell you do my fishing cat?" Mr.Wolf growled at Jimmy,"He is my son, what you do to Elijah? Drugs and alcohol? You lied to us?!" Jimmy snarled," Stay out of this! This none of your business!"Jimmy snarling sneered,"You had wolf foxes but now Elijah belong to me!" Please make stories' dialogue of Jimmy spat at Elijah," Tell him,Elijah, did Wolf hate and did wanted you." Elijah frightens nervous,"I uh don't know." Please make stories' dialogue of Akino the male Caracat kitten get scolded by Mr.Wolf. Mr.Wolf angrily rage hitting Akino,"What do you give Jimmy?" Diane calmly told Mr.Wolf,"You frightened Akino." Akino sobbed," Why you acting cruel to me?" Jimmy rage over at Mr.Wolf," What you doing to my kitten?" Mr.Wolf look concern comfort Akino. Akino felt hurt shook head,"I lost parents selling by demons." Diane comfort Akino. Akino sobbing look hurt telling Mr.Wolf," You have no idea Jimmy done to me and had gangs bossing and start treat me around than before. But. first you kind to me first close bond but now you hate me. You are bad father to me and you nice to my original other NekoFelis Clan Axel, Max, Jaki and Elijah." Mr.Wolf look angry glare at Akino," Next time don't anything stupid. Do you hear me?!"Diane angrily told Mr.Wolf that Akino did not do anything threat to Elijah and try refuse what Jimmy take advantage to Akino,"You should defend Akino.Akino getting get help from you and you are close to Akino first time." Please make stories' dialogue of Mr.Wolf comfort Akino. Akino angrily crying sobbing," If you ever hurt me, I will tell cops and Diane. "  Akino sobbing crying getting hurt more dark side worse. Mr.Wolf embrace held hugged crying Akino tightly in strong arms," I know it hard to change Jimmy, I didn't tell you about."

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