Saving Max from mafia, Jeong's and Lecture Elijah about wolf predator.

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 Jeong the male Amur leopard cub study Paintings by Vann Nath Art work in art musuem to Jeong's foster mother Diane Foxington the Crimson Paw red vixen orange fox. Jeong's foster father Mr.Wolf the Dreamwork's The Bad Guys roguish gentleman thief grey wolf Mr.Wolf's rival/colleague shrewd ruthless arctic wolf mogul foster dad Jimmy Crystal seriously discussed Jeong about artwork. Mr.Wolf and Jimmy were colleague and rival over Diane and over Jimmy's biological arctic grey wolf Porsha." Mr.Wolf ruffled Jeong and held lift Jeong close to Mr.Wolf's muscular fur cheek. Jimmy put hand on Jeong's shoulder, "Diane and Mr.Wolf and I will talk about your past connection to artwork." Mizuachi the Harlequinn sneer at Jeong," Look leopard taritor hang two wolves and traitor vixne."Jeong over heard upset. But Jimmt, Mr.Wolf, and Diane comfort Jeong. Mean while, Diane told Jeong about Jeong's parenst who hurt by evil war evil human boars demons nad nasty monster Bonobos sinter apes." Jeong crying sigh tembleing,"Look like Sinchon Masscre. i seen Sinchon art masscre." Jimmy comfort Jeong. Mr.Wolf in low growl fury and savage rage hatre fury and yellow eyes went red angrily hugged crying Jeong against Mr.Wolf's fur chest and muscular tense of strong arm. Elijah the male fishing cat kitten appears see afraid of Elijah's foster father Mr.Wolf and talk to Elijah's foster mother Diane nad to foster dad Jimmy. Elijah worries that mr.Woklf will being mena to Elijah. Mr.Wolf watching Elijah talking to Diane and to Jimmy. Diane and Jimmy talk nad comfort Elijah about Elijah's artwork," Remember we went to your parents. Mr.Wolf was there support you." ELijah sigh," Mr.Wolf forgot about me." Mr.Wolf overheard talk to Elijah.                          

Jeong stood before the evocative paintings by Vann Nath, each canvas a silent witness to history. Diane Foxington, his foster mother, joined him with a soft smile.

"Art has the power to bridge gaps between time and emotion," Diane remarked, her red vixen fur glowing in the light.

Mr. Wolf, Jeong's foster father and the charismatic grey wolf, nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, Diane. It's like these paintings carry the whispers of the past."

Jimmy Crystal, the insightful and humorous arctic wolf, added his perspective. "Art connects us to the thoughts and experiences of those who lived before us. It's a unique way to understand history."

Jeong nodded, his gaze still fixed on the artworks. "The canvas is like a window into moments long gone."

Mr. Wolf playfully ruffled Jeong's fur, a sign of their close bond. "You have a real knack for interpreting art, Jeong. It's a skill that can take you far."

Jimmy's hand on Jeong's shoulder conveyed his support. "And who knows, one day your own art might tell your story just as vividly."

As they conversed, Mizuachi the Harlequinn's hurtful words reached Jeong's ears. His foster family gathered around him, standing strong against negativity.

Jimmy's tone turned resolute as he addressed the situation. "Don't let those words define you, Jeong. You're better than that."

Mr. Wolf's arms enveloped Jeong, his gaze protective. "You're part of our family, Jeong. We stand together."

Diane's voice held empathy. "Jeong, focus on the love and strength you have now. Don't let past wounds shape your present."

Jeong's voice trembled as he shared the pain the situation had stirred. "It brings to mind the Sinchon Massacre. I've seen art depicting it."

Jimmy's voice was soothing. "I understand, Jeong. Just remember, you're not alone."

In that moment, Mr. Wolf's expression shifted to one of intense fury. His arms tightened around Jeong, his eyes blazing with anger as he held him close.

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