Resolution Part 2

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 Mr.Wolf an attractive grey wolf rogue gentleman thief with yellow flash eyes,  comforted held Mr.Wolf's Elijah, a male fishing cat kitten tightly who became crying hurt, and upset when Cassandra's ex-wife about their lazy overweight wolf son Ambrose accused Diane, Elijah's foster mother, of fraud and lies. Elijah knew that Diane had her own children, Agne and Archie, from her previous marriage to Casilius, an evil Reynardian fox. Mr.Wolf had septuplet wolves from first to last(Darrien, Conor, Therse, Ambrose, Winter(Rowen), Blossom, Jaspar(Ghost)).Six/septuplets wolves are independent mature and get along with NekoFElis clan than Ambrose. Mr.Wolf and Diane had Wolffoxes biological sextuplet children(Kodi(Asher)(son), Ruby(girl), Steele(son), (Luna(girl)), (apricot)Logan(son), Dakota(apricot)(daughter)) came over comfort Elijah. Mr.Wolf growled Cassandra's new lover McVeir a mean bulldozer monstrous dark black wolf sneered and threatened Mr.Wolf's septuplet wolves. Oliver pet kitten tabby cat was adopted by Mr. Wolf and Diane. Mr.Wolf happily hugged Oliver. Mr.Wolf's and Diane's adopted daughter Cathy black domestic shorthair cat came over. Mr.Wolf's colleague and rival Arctic Wolf mogul Jimmy Crystal busying called an office business and had a son Jordan and a daughter Skyra to his wife divorce arctic vixen and had a son Jaxo with marriage wife with malumate wolf and Jerry the domesticated cat came over. Ex-governor compassionate strong Diane Foxington a red-orange vixen fox Crimson Paw with emerald eyes from Dreamwork's The Bad Guy age 30s rolled her eyes cooking watching too. Kodi(Asher)(boy), Steele(boy), Ruby(girl), Logan(boy), Dakota(girl) and (girl)Luna, the wolffoxes biological of Mr.Wolf and of Diane heard joined and upset Mr.Wolf's fat lazy wolf son Ambrose who throwing at Mr.Wolf's surrogate son Salim(Kudo)Malik the male Bombay kitten cat. Mr.Wolf's stepchildren and Diane's children(Agne and Archie) from Casilous the evil voracious fox, upset Ambrose. Meanwhile, Mr.Wolf's wolf sons Darrien, Japsar, and Conor came over displeased with Ambrose. Mr.Wolf's daughters Winter(Rowen), Blossom, and Therese also did not Ambrosse throwing chips at Salim(Kudo)Malik the male Bombay Kitten cat. Mr.Wolf's ex-wife wolf Cassandra came smugly and told Ambrose to throw at Kitten. Mr.Wolf is furious at Cassandra. Darrien(first child Septulet) had been bonded with his father Mr.Wolf very well and really hate knowing Darrien's mother Cassandra had to have an affair with the evil bulldozer black wolf McVeir.Ambrose mocked Diane for fraudulent lies to the feline cubs that Diane had Archie and Agnes. Elijah the male fishing cat kitten upsetted that Ambrose accused Elijah's foster mother Diane. Mr.Wolf and Jimmy had a savage feud over Diane and over Jimmy's biological daughter Porsha. Porsha is officially the adopted daughter of Mr.Wolf and Diane. Elijah's original foster sibling Jaki is a male clouded leopard cub who is the godson of Mr.Wolf and of Diane and the foster son of Jimmy. Mr.Wolf amused playing Jimmy's new playmate adopted cat Maurice's obnoxious fat domesticated tiger cat kitten play saxophone, sing"Boom Boom Pow." Jimmy annoyed Mr.Wolf had bad influence on Maurice.Mr.Wolf smirked mischief. An arctic wolf mogul Jimmy Crystal's fiancée reveal feline leopard/tigress/lioness Katarina dance groove with twin baby wolf-feline hybrid(Aria daughter) and Tito(son). Katarina had a wild kid half-brother Lliliger named Roburo and a half-young sister tigress/lioness Maybelline. Jimmy happily plays with Roburo and plays piggy back on Maybelline. Jimmy thank Jaki help find playmates felines make Jimmy feel better. Mr.Wolf and a male clouded leopard cub Jaki's foster dad arctic wolf mogul Jimmy Crystal are a colleague and wolf rivals grew savage feud love over love interest Diane and fight over Jimmy's grey wolf Arctic wolf biological daughter Porsha. Jimmy blamed Mr.Wolf for stealing Porsha. Porsha is officially the adopted daughter of Mr.Wolf and Diane. Zephioro evil white greyhound wolf fostered nine feline cubs but mistreated them cruelly. The cousin autistic Tinaki the female black-footed cat and Dreamworks' movie The Bad Guys' a mixed greyish fur dark snout slender build, friendly yellow flash-eyed handsome gentleman with a thief wolf Mr.Wolf, Mr.Wolf's cousin Angelo the leopard cat and a male rusty-spotted cat kitten Genji, Salim(Kudo) Malik the male Bombay cat kitten and Mr.Wolf's godson Jaki a male clouded leopard cub and Mr.Wolf's foster son male fishing cat kitten Elijah making barbeque. Jimmy ask how Mr.Wolf and Elijah bond. Elijah felt embarrased funny. Mr.Wolf hugged Elijah tightly. Jimmy came over concerned about Cassandra and Ambrose. Mr. Wolf: Jimmy, my friend, thank you for your concern. Cassandra and Ambrose have caused quite a stir today. It pains me to see Elijah upset, especially when Ambrose accused Diane of fraud and lies.

Elijah, still in Mr. Wolf's comforting embrace, looked up at Jimmy with tear-filled eyes.

Elijah: It's just not fair, Jimmy. Diane has been nothing but kind to me and the other cubs. Ambrose's accusations are hurting her and making me feel so upset.

Mr. Wolf nodded, understanding Elijah's pain, and tightened his hold on the fishing cat kitten.

Mr. Wolf: Elijah, my dear boy, Ambrose's behavior is unacceptable, and I won't tolerate it. We will make sure that justice is served, and Diane's name is cleared. You have my word on that.

Jimmy's expression turned serious as he listened to Mr. Wolf's words.

Jimmy: Mr. Wolf, I know we've had our differences, but no child should have to go through this. Ambrose's actions and Cassandra's encouragement are disgraceful. We need to put a stop to this immediately.

Mr. Wolf: I couldn't agree more, Jimmy. Ambrose needs to understand the consequences of his actions, and Cassandra must be held accountable for her role in all of this. We can't let them continue to cause harm.

As they discussed the situation, Oliver, the pet kitten tabby cat adopted by Mr. Wolf and Diane, approached them, rubbing against their legs.

Oliver: Meow! Don't worry, Elijah. We're all here for you. Ambrose will learn his lesson soon enough.

Cathy, Mr. Wolf and Diane's adopted daughter, the black domestic shorthair cat, joined the group as well.

Cathy: Elijah, you're not alone in this. Our family stands together, and we won't let anyone hurt you or Diane. We'll find a way to make things right.

Meanwhile, Diane, the red-orange vixen fox Crimson Paw, rolled her eyes in frustration as she continued cooking. She understood the gravity of the situation and the need to address Ambrose's behavior.

Diane: Mr. Wolf, we can't let Ambrose get away with this. Elijah is like a son to me, and I won't stand for his accusations. We must act swiftly to protect our family.

Mr. Wolf nodded, his yellow flash eyes filled with determination.

Mr. Wolf: Diane, my love, you're right. We'll gather the septuplet wolves, our wolffox children, and confront Ambrose together. He needs to understand the consequences of his actions and the pain he has caused.

Just as they were formulating a plan, Jaki, the male clouded leopard cub, approached the group, followed by Genji, the male rusty-spotted cat kitten.

Jaki: Mr. Wolf, Jimmy, I've been keeping an eye on Ambrose. He's been stirring up trouble with the other cubs as well. It's time we put an end to this once and for all.

Genji: I agree, Jaki. Ambrose needs to be taught a lesson. No one should treat their family members with such disrespect.

As the group gathered, united in their determination, Jimmy couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions.

Jimmy: Mr. Wolf, I may have accused you in the past, but seeing your love and dedication to your family, I can't help but respect you. Let's put our differences aside and protect the ones we care about.

Mr. Wolf smiled, grateful for Jimmy's change of heart.

Mr. Wolf: Jimmy, my rival turned friend, I appreciate your words. Let's work together to bring an end to this chaos and ensure the safety and happiness of our loved ones.

With renewed resolve and a strong bond of friendship, they set out to confront Ambrose, determined to restore peace and harmony within their intertwined lives.

Jimmy had support by friends avoid hate memes.

Jimmy had support by friends avoid hate memes

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