Simon #3

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mom. that's all i have to say. thesidemenxix i love you baby g.🔐😂

It had been a long, lazy day at home consisting of just relaxing on the couch and watching some shows and movies on Netflix while you grubbed on some snacks. Since it was a weekend and Simon was off in his recording room editing some videos, you hadn't seen him much for the day because of the long, dedicated hours he spent.
Every now and then, you would hear a frustrated groan or an exasperated sigh that let you know he was a tad impatient. A thing like this was to be expected while he edited since some things just didn't go his way, so you just let the sounds go to the back of your mind as you continued to watch your show.
While you sat there all snuggled up in a blanket with some snacks, your mind was at peace as you absentmindedly watched as the show went on; but in the midst of your relaxation, you suddenly heard a loud, echoing bang off in the other side of the house. You bolted straight up in your seat with your heart racing while your snacks fell to the ground. Despite the sudden surprise, you still looked off to the ground and muttered a remorseful, "Awww," but went on to focus on the sound.
Since you were naturally curious, you got up from your comfy place on the couch and began to walk over to the other half of the house. As an instinct, you called out, "Simon?" and waited for a response to see if he heard it too.
When you didn't hear an answer, your curiosity skyrocketed as your mind went to investigation mode to find out where he was. It didn't take long as you walked over to his recording room where he edited his videos, and saw him sitting in his chair with his elbows resting on his knees while he leaned down to look at the ground with his hands covering his face.
Out of concern you walked over to him slowly so you wouldn't startle him, then asked once more when you were right behind him, "Simon?"
"What?" he asked with his hands still covering his face, making his response muffled. "Are you okay?"
For a few minutes, you just stood there as you waited for a response that didn't seem like it would come at this point, but just as you were about to start coaxing him, he slowly straightened up in his seat while he looked up to the ceiling and said, "I don't know if I can do this."
The words put panic in your heart as your mind raced of the possibility that he was talking about your relationship, so you cautiously asked with dread, "What do you mean?"
His eyes were still closed with his head tilted back, but then you saw his brows furrow as he swallowed a big lump in his throat. When his lip began to quiver, he went back to the cowering position so he could cover his face once more while little sniffles came out from the muffled sound.
At this point, your concern grew immensely as you rushed over to his front so you could face him directly, then you gently placed your hands on the sides of his face and lifted his head ever so gently. Most of the effort was on his part as he looked up to face you with his eyes watering yet still intent.
Even though you were still curious about what he meant, it didn't really matter then because all your concern was about him. "Are you okay?" you asked with searching eyes.
His head lifted up from the place in your hands as he went back to sitting straight in his chair with his head tilted back, but then he took a deep breathe and sniffled some more until he was ready to speak. For those few minutes of silence, you still waited nonetheless until he finally lowered his head to look at you.
Your anticipation grew as he tried to gather the words he would say, and when it looked as if he was about to talk, you waited intently. He scooted a bit closer to you so he was at level with your eyes, and the look behind them yearned for something more, but what?

Just as his mouth had opened for a response, he simply shook his head as he looked away, then got up from his seat so he could walk away from the room. You sat there dumbfounded as you tried to think of why he didn't answer and also why he walked away.

While you followed behind him, you made sure to keep your distance so you wouldn't smother him and waited until he stopped walking. His little trip ended up back in your guys' room where he started to pace back and forth with an urgency behind it. You stared off at him while he paced around, grabbing at the back of his head like he was trying to relieve some stress, so while he did his thing you meekly asked, "What's wrong?" No answer, just like you expected.

For all these few minutes that had passed since the loud bang, you had waited patiently for Simon to even acknowledge that you were there, so when you heard yet another empty response, your own frustration got the best of you as you finally walked over to him to stop his pacing. For once, he acknowledged your presence as he stopped in his tracks right in front of you, but since you were still concerned about him, you pleaded with him, "Simon, please tell me what's wrong. What can I do? Just leave?"

One last time, he walked back a couple steps, leaving you to stand there as you watched him fret with his hair like he was trying to forget about something bothering him; but then he turned around to rush over to you with tears rushing down his face and his arms spread out as he softly muttered, "I just really need a hug right now."

His body clashed against yours as his arms tightly wrapped around you, and even though you still had so many questions, you completely forgot about them as you protectively held onto him tighter. While he held onto you, he began to shake in your arms from his wrecked sobs, and the sound of his crying broke your heart as you tried to hold him even tighter. You shushed him and told him, "It's alright," as you rocked side to side, "I'm here."

His tears continued for some time, so you calmly walked over to the bed off to the side and sat down with him in your arms, and held onto him until you could feel his tears begin to die out. Even with the sound of silence, you still let him rest on you as you softly combed through his hair, and gave him time to calm down and rest until he was ready to talk, something you had been waiting to hear for a while.

Your eyes were beginning to feel heavy by the time you heard him clear his throat, but when you did, your eyes opened wide awake as you waited to hear his voice. "I'm sorry," he said. "For what?" "I don't know," he responded. While you continued to comb through his hair, you shook your head and calmly said, "You don't need to be. I love you, and I'm here for you. I'm just worried about you, Simon. You never said anything to me when I asked, and.. and.. I just wanted to know what was wrong."

As you felt him slowly get up, you lessened your hold so you could let him sit up and looked at him intently as his strong eyes focused on yours, almost as though to see if you were alright yourself. He shook his head as he looked down with a sigh and said, "I've just been so stressed. Constantly editing and uploading only to edit and upload again. The constant cycle. It's too much sometimes and when moments like this happen, where Youtube decides to stop working.. It just gives me too much time to think to myself about how stressful my life can get."

You pouted your lip at him as you thought about how hard he could be on himself then softly responded, "Simon, you put too much on your plate. I know you love and care for your fans and you'll work hard for them, but you need to think of yourself first. You deserve to feel happy and if you aren't happy, then tell me. Please tell me."

He was still looking at the ground as he played with his thumbs, tracing one over the over over and over, but with his head shaking he softly said, "I will." You smiled at him even though he wasn't looking, and slowly leaned in to give his cheek a small peck while you lovingly rubbed his back.

Since you thought he needed some time to himself, you whispered an "I love you" into his ear as you began to walk off to leave the room, feeling his gaze the whole way through; but then you heard him ask, "Where are you going?" "To the living room," you said with a shrug. While you looked at him you saw him cutely frown a bit as he realized that you were going to leave, and when he looked back at you with those cute, blue eyes of his he pouted his lip out a bit and asked, "Can we still cuddle?"

You threw a big grin at him as you shook your head at how cute he was, then walked back over to him and said, "Of course." He pushed himself back on the bed and pulled out the covers from underneath him, leaving a space just for you as he waited. While you gradually got into bed, he patiently waited for you with a small little grin curved at the edges, then once you were comfortably in bed, he was cute like always and made sure that the blankets covered you just right.

With his arm wrapped around your shoulder, he invited you to snuggle into his chest, and you accepted the invitation willingly as you placed your ear over his smooth, gentle heartbeat that always managed to lull you to sleep. "It's my turn to be the big spoon," he said with a cute wink once you looked up at him. A big grin spread across your face while you looked at him, and you had to push yourself up so you could give him a kiss.
When your lips met his in a cute but meaningful kiss, you were always able to feel his immense love with every peck; then went back to resting on his heart with a content smile framing your face. "I love you," he said as he snuggled into a comfortable place. As you listened to his calming heartbeat play in your ear, you slowly began to enter a state of peaceful lullabies as you felt his hands brush through your hair while he hummed a little tune and right before you followed him into sleep, you muttered a sleepy, "I love you more."

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