"I still..."

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Simon: "I still love you," he said, his hands shaking as he tried inching closer to you, the girl shuffling out of your shared flat. He tried placing his hand on your cheek as you swatted it away. "You should have thought about that before you had sex with her," you said, taking the ring that was on your finger, placing it in his palm. "Go out and give it to her, okay? Seeing as she's the one you love if you had to cheat." And you left.

Tobi: "I still think you're beautiful," he smiled. You rolled you eyes at him, thinking nothing of it. You had no makeup, and your hair was in a bun on the top of your head and you only had on one of his shirts. "Whatever," you laughed, shaking your head. "You are. I like seeing you carefree and not caring how you look. I like you better like this, not caring about putting makeup on. You're so beautiful."

Josh: "I can't believe it's been 5 years," he smiled as he toyed with the diamond ring on your finger that he slipped on after he said his vows 5 years ago. "5 years with my beautiful wife," he mumbled, still smiling. "And I can't wait until it becomes 10, 15, and so on. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Harry: "I still can't believe that we're gonna be parents," he couldn't help looking at the pregnancy test in your hands to your small baby bump as you were a month along as he was gone. He couldn't help but grin as well as a few tears slipped out of both of your eyes. You looked at him questioningly as he got on his knees, his face in front of your stomach. "Hi, baby, I'm gonna be your daddy, and I love you so much," followed by a giggle, knowing the baby couldn't hear.

JJ: "I still can't believe that dick laid his hands on you." Jide was that over protective best friend. Your boyfriend had struck you on the cheek with his hand and you left him. So, of course you went to your best friend. "I don't see why you won't date me, I treat you better than anybody else ever could," he mumbled as you were asleep on his shoulder a few minutes later.

Vikk: "I still can't believe how you don't see that im completely and utterly in love with you," he whispered as you were asleep. Another boyfriend. Another boy had broken you, and he was there to save you, to pick up your broken pieces. He was sick of it, he hated seeing you in such a vulnerable and sad state. "I would take care of you, you're just so oblivious," he sighed as he tangled a few strands of your hair between his fingers sadly. He lost his spark.

Ethan: "I still can't believe you're gone," he sniffled. Happy Ethan was gone. His viewers noticed, seeing how he wouldn't laugh, how it sounded quiet and unhappy, but that's never the case. "Why did it have to happen to you, damnit!" He cried out, squeezed your lifeless hand as you laid limp in your hospital bed. "Everybody else made it, and you couldn't," he sobbed, being forced to leave the room. "I miss you," he whispered as he looked up at the sky as if he was talking to you up there with another sob, his eyes red and bloodshot.

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