Waking Up

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Simon: He opens one eye, then closes it quickly due to the light shining through the window. "5 more minutes," he would mumble, pulling you closer.

Tobi: He would slowly wake up as you poked his cheek, and then frowned. "Stop, babe," he mumbled. He was always grumpy when tired. So, when you pranked him and said that he had a meetup with the boys and was late, he was laughing, breaking that grumpy state.

Josh: He would just keep sleeping, his arms still tightly wrapped around you. Soon enough, you fell back asleep, all plans ruined by you two sleeping until late that afternoon.

Vikk: He would pout as you tried keeping him up when he woke up to use the bathroom, and you wouldn't let that happen. Needless to say, you both ended up on the couch, limbs tangled, arguing about who gets to finish the cereal.

JJ: He was an early bird, so he would usually wake up before you. He would have to wake you up almost everyday, if not, you'd sleep until at least noon.

Harry: He would wake up a lot at night for no reason. It wasn't the healthiest thing to do, but he couldn't help it. Although, he doesn't complain about waking up, looking down to your pout, pecking your lips, promising to stay awake.

Ethan: He was a big nap fan, usually after recording you'd find him asleep. Not complaining, you'd always enjoy how his eyes would crack open then close quickly, opening his arms like a child, waiting for you to crawl into them like you were in bed.

Callum: He was always asleep. He wasn't recording? He'd be curled up in bed, with sweatpants on and no shirt, the covers covering his lower half, exposing his body. You didn't complain, you'd usually climb in next to him, and he'd respond, immediately pulling you into his chest.

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