When he gets angry

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Simon: His anger usually comes out in loud, three second bursts. Most likely a quick jumble of multiple swear words, he is good to laugh it off. Just like in his videos, the short periods can change instantly to him being happy, or even embarrassed or shy. His anger is almost never aimed at you, and if it was, he would have the same attitude as if he was recording with the rest of the guys.

Josh: He was a very patient guy. He got upset many times, but never angry. But when he did, it was bad. He would slam his fists on any surface he could, and get his hands on anything. Of course, he would never lay a hand on you. If he had gotten too frustrated, he relied on you to bring him back. Which ends up with him crying, saying that he didn't mean to scare you and he won't do it again. 

JJ: Everybody and anybody can hear him when he's mad. He yells and screams, throwing the nearest object near him at the wall, whether it be something that belongs to you, himself, or one of the guys, he doesn't care. Like Josh, he won't put a hand on you. As soon as he sees that he has scared you, he slumps onto the floor and becomes normal Jide. Which, can be louder than angry JJ. 

Harry: All he wants is somebody to talk to when he's upset. He doesn't care if it's you, JJ, or Simon, sometimes, he just needs to vent. He isn't very loud, in fact, his voice raises in octaves and lowers in volumes. His hands cover his face and his fingers run through his hair. Hi m being angry leads to him being stressed, which makes you stressed. After all is talked out, he'll continue whatever he was doing before his emotions got the best of him. 

Tobi: A very patient guy, of course. At times, quiet too. He always wants your company for whatever he is doing, even when others say you aren't welcome. But, when he gets in a mood, he won't touch you at all, negatively or positively, he just wants to be alone. He'll close the door, lay on the bed and just think. He'll come down to get a drink as soon as he is calm and all is well. He'd come and get you too, and it'd be as if nothing ever happened before. 

Ethan: He was very loud. His face would be flushed, and his eyes would be wide. He'd take his anger out on you, yelling for no reason. He knew you didn't do anything. He just needed to yell. His words would be negative, and they'd make you upset. For him to calm down, you would just have to stay and listen. As soon as he saw the first sign that you were upset, he'd be at your side in an instant. 

Vik: How can he even get mad? He's a little fluff ball of happiness and cuddles and fringe. Nope, I can't do it. 

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