1. Funeral Day,

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So thick.

The environment around them was so thick. Jaemi doesn't why the environment was very awfully awkward, it was so thick.

"C-can I stay at my parent's?" She stuttered, her voice was so dry from the endless crying.


Because it was the day that her twin sister Jaeshi had died.

That would be so depressing for her, you might think.

But in reality, it wasn't.

The Jeon twins weren't really fond of eachother. Jaeshi was a bubbly girl, a sociable person, she has many friends, quiet famous during her college days, even had more than 10k followers in Outstagram, many persons asked her out, she was always a kind person too.

Yes, she was a kind, bubbly, sociable and lovable person to everyone but not to her own sister.

There was something that Jaeshi didn't like about Jaemi, Jaemi was an exact opposite of Jaeshi, an introvert, didn't talk much, hate people, she didn't even had a profile picture for her Outstagram, and had only one bestfriend.

Jaemi had nothing interesting in her except the beautiful face that the twins share. Jaemi wouldn't even smile often, still, the people that Jaeshi really wanted for herself liked Jaemi more than herself.

From her childhood to now, Jaeshi had to share everything with her sister, even her attractive face too. But why with her? Jaeshi wondered.

Their parents were also fond of Jaemi since she was a quite kid, was needed to taken care of more, even though Jaemi didn't want that, they still took extra care for Jaemi.

In their high school and college days too, half of Jaeshi's fame went to Jaemi because they share the beautiful faces.

Last and the most important thing, Jaeshi's high school crush, Park Jimin, was the best friend of Jaemi and didn't accept Jaeshi when she asked him out because of Jaemi. It was not that he liked Jaemi, still she was the reason according to Jaeshi.

That was why Jaeshi decided to stole Jaemi's love, Kim Taehyung. The heir of Kim's. One of the billionaire in Korea. Jeon's were also famous for the transportation business (like taxies), so the Kim's and Jeon's happened to met for some random parties.

That was how Jeami felt the real feeling of crush for the first time in her whole life, it was Kim Taehyung. Everything had collapsed when Jaeshi found out. She confessed her parents that she loved Kim Taehyung for more than a year, A brutal lie.

Then happened their marriage but God has planned something else as Jaeshi happened to die replacing Jaemi since she knew that Jaemi liked Taehyung from the first. Jaemi also agreed since that was first thing that her sister ever asked her to do, also Jaemi loved her sister but also hate her for trying to take everything away from her.

Still, Jaeshi's death was something that Jaemi never expected. Even though Jaeshi always hated Jaemi, her death made Jaemi to miss her hatred too.

"Sure." Taehyung replied shortly without even looking at her, his eyes were only focused on the dark road infront of their car. Something was off with him, maybe he was tired.

Still, he was the most handsome man in Jaemi's eyes. A part of her was happy that she was finally claimed to be his wife but a part of her was in guilt that she was fooling him for her sister's sake.

Soon the car stopped infront of her parents house, they were still in her funeral home, since they asked Jaemi to rest for a while, she happened to arrive there.

"Do you wanna come in, you look so tired?" Jaemi asked, she was still hesitant, since she didn't know how her sister would actually talk with him, He will not suspect me, right?

She was nervous too, she was always nervous from the day itself started, she had to fake her personality infront of everyone, she had to talk with everyone casually, cry out loud like the whole world was waiting to listen her ugly sobs, which was not really her.

Taehyung looked at her for a moment before closing the car door, through which she just stepped out and just drove away like that. Leaving Jaemi confused and hurt, "Did I ask anything wrong?"

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