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Adrien had his shotgun ready since he couldn't waste any more time with his claws to fight. Still angry with Chloe's betrayal but he can't let the witches kill innocent young children just for a ritual. He had to hurry before it was too late. In the woods, he comes across mutated werecats, presumably pets by other witches around the world who broke their spirits and treated them like savages to hate mankind.

"Alright, catfight it is!" He bares his claws.

One cat too many for him but these werecats were far beyond humanity.

"But I don't have time to fight them all, they only delay me" He knew he had other things to do.

They all roared savagely to the point they wanted to take out the partial Werecat man. Adrien scoffed at this and loaded his gun to shoot them.

He fires at one who tries to pounce at him. He didn't have time for mouthful combats to shut them up. One white werecat tries to bite down on him.

"Agh! Bite on this!" He shot him in the head. Then he punched through one werecat in the chest.

"Get the hell out of my way, cats!" He shot them all one by one before he could run out of ammo to waste on these savage beasts.

So he climbs up the trees to jump between them. The remaining werecats pursued him. The moon was full and it only gave Adrien more strength to fight like a beast than a man to take out these cat creatures.

He groaned as he felt the moonlight. His pupils became slits as he felt stronger and leaped down. He yowled out loud and clawed them one by one by the throats before getting brutal to rip off their heads or tails.

He jumps on another to do a flip-over knockout, "Who's next?!" He yelled.

None answered as one of them jumped on him to bite his head off but he held the massive teeth away from his face.

"HRRRRRGH!!!" He struggled, "Get off!" He broke its neck and shoved it off.

He grasps another's tail and swings it like a melee weapon toward the other werecats. Picking up his gun to shoot them in the head to finish it quickly. Once they were all dead, Adrien then continued his search.

"You can run but you can't hide, Cerise" Adrien refilled his ammo and saw smoke in the distance, "The sabbath. I'm coming for you, nasty bitch. Your kind has done more than enough to frighten children" He ran even faster to get there.

He did not care to hurt anyone getting in his way but if the blood moon came to form, it would be too late. And he hoped Marinette would join him soon.


Marinette read every white magic spell to be sure every protection against dark magic would work.

"That should do it," She said.

She hopes this works but she hopes her kitty is doing fine in the woods but she guessed that he's gonna need a lot of luck than having his bad luck get crushed.

"I better hurry," She thought.

God knows what her kitty is doing whenever he comes across witches, he never shows mercy to them, especially since he stopped being a kid that day he became a Werecat.

"You better not run out of nine lives, kitty," She said before grabbing her weapon to fight. She loads it before heading out.


Adrien does his stealth mode to observe the sabbath and hear what they are up to before the moon becomes red for the ritual to begin.

"There she is" He saw Cerise.

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